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Conference musical chairs

Itsux2beaewe said:
I saw a report from a Chris Vannini Twitter post (not on Twitter - so can’t verify) stating the NCAA BOD has voted to remove the P12/P2 from the autonomy conferences basically making them a G5 conference.

Ive not been able to find anything on this?

Anyone hearing anything?

Since I'm on twitter

Wyokie said:
Itsux2beaewe said:
I saw a report from a Chris Vannini Twitter post (not on Twitter - so can’t verify) stating the NCAA BOD has voted to remove the P12/P2 from the autonomy conferences basically making them a G5 conference.

Ive not been able to find anything on this?

Anyone hearing anything?

Since I'm on twitter


Thanks Okie. Seems to me it would make sense for OSU and Wazzoo to join the MW at this point? The Pac2 has no more/less influence in the Power rankings as a conference at this point.
Itsux2beaewe said:
Wyokie said:
Since I'm on twitter


Thanks Okie. Seems to me it would make sense for OSU and Wazzoo to join the MW at this point? The Pac2 has no more/less influence in the Power rankings as a conference at this point.

No problem. itsux2beaewe.

My 2 cents (which aint much in this economy :roll: )...this news and the Wazzu baseball team joining the MW in 2025 tells me that Wazzu is seeing the writing on the wall and will probably ask for full membership into the MW in probably less than a year. Oregon State, on other hand, will go down kicking and screaming like a 5-year-old brat before they FINALLY realize they aren't one of the big boys anymore. OSU will request full membership into the MW about a week after Wazzu does.
Confirmed, Pac2 is now a G5 conference beginning in August. They have no leverage now. They and MW just need to merge and let’s move on.

Unlimited transfer rule is also approved. That sucks.

Itsux2beaewe said:
Confirmed, Pac2 is now a G5 conference beginning in August. They have no leverage now. They and MW just need to merge and let’s move on.

Unlimited transfer rule is also approved. That sucks.


That unlimited transfer rule, allows players to now transfer mid-season, with immediate eligibility. Hell, even the professional leagues have a trade deadline and window - not so much in the NCAA now. Not sure what they are thinking, but not the first time wondering that. Is there a grand plan to shut down all but about 50 or so "schools" athletics programs - as it sure seems that way, and sure seems it is working. I hate the NCAA anymore...in fact, if hate for the NCAA were people, it would be China. :rofl:
I think some of the court cases working through might be bigger than nil. The player as employee concept isn't workable except for the top end.

I just wish the new system would be installed sooner rather than later.
McPeachy said:
Itsux2beaewe said:
Confirmed, Pac2 is now a G5 conference beginning in August. They have no leverage now. They and MW just need to merge and let’s move on.

Unlimited transfer rule is also approved. That sucks.


That unlimited transfer rule, allows players to now transfer mid-season, with immediate eligibility. Hell, even the professional leagues have a trade deadline and window - not so much in the NCAA now. Not sure what they are thinking, but not the first time wondering that. Is there a grand plan to shut down all but about 50 or so "schools" athletics programs - as it sure seems that way, and sure seems it is working. I hate the NCAA anymore...in fact, if hate for the NCAA were people, it would be China. :rofl:

I don't believe players can transfer mid-season. I think what the articles refer to as "immediate eligibility" means at the start of the semester they enroll. Since students can't enroll in classes mid-semester, they wouldn't be eligible to participate until the next semester starts. One of the articles this article links to also states that players still need to use the transfer window for their respective sport.

G5 playoff?
I've seen a few more articles discussing the above Dodd article. It sounds like even reorganizing all g5 under 1 banner and 1 revenue distribution has been floated. I doubt that happens but it would stabilize the conference musical chairs in the g5 ranks.
ragtimejoe1 said:
I've seen a few more articles discussing the above Dodd article. It sounds like even reorganizing all g5 under 1 banner and 1 revenue distribution has been floated. I doubt that happens but it would stabilize the conference musical chairs in the g5 ranks.

I like the idea of a G playoff. Just hope UW is included in the plan.
Itsux2beaewe said:
ragtimejoe1 said:
I've seen a few more articles discussing the above Dodd article. It sounds like even reorganizing all g5 under 1 banner and 1 revenue distribution has been floated. I doubt that happens but it would stabilize the conference musical chairs in the g5 ranks.

I like the idea of a G playoff. Just hope UW is included in the plan.

What do you think of g5 as all 1 media deal with the playoff? I honestly hadn't thought about it so I'm not sure where I'm at with that part.

I think the g5 playoff will happen but we'll see.
Sounds a lot like a collective bargaining agreement. I don't mind the idea of securing a media deal as one large group of universities, as long as it actually results in more money for UW. I guess it all comes down to how much money the MWC could garner for a media deal on its own.

I'm not sold on this idea of splitting the 5 conferences into 8 "regional divisions". I'd prefer to keep the conferences as intact as possible. One scenario might be to have the 5 conference champions get automatic bids to the playoff while the remaining 3 spots are determined by the runners-up (and one wild card team) playing a single "play-in" game to fill out the final spots.
After thinking about this, I'm not sure the idea of 1 umbrella will ever work. If history has taught us anything it's that some schools will eventually feel like they are carrying the weight and should recieve a larger share. We see it across and even within conferences. Greed has made college football almost unworkable.

After the big dogs split and the money dries up, then workable solutions are possible.
ragtimejoe1 said:
After thinking about this, I'm not sure the idea of 1 umbrella will ever work. If history has taught us anything it's that some schools will eventually feel like they are carrying the weight and should recieve a larger share. We see it across and even within conferences. Greed has made college football almost unworkable.

After the big dogs split and the money dries up, then workable solutions are possible.

That is a potential problem without a doubt. Getting the majority of 60+ school presidents and athletics directors on board with a single plan is going to be the biggest barrier to this ever happening.

I do think that many G5 university presidents and athletic directors are starting to see the new reality of college athletics in the current NIL era and realize the status quo cannot continue. They may be more willing to work with other conferences/teams they see an "inferior" now more than they ever have in the past. The reality is that those G5 schools that won't come to the table in good faith are going to get left in the dark. The alternatives to a single G5 division seem to become more limited by the week.

This guy thinks cherry picking is more likely than merger.
ragtimejoe1 said:

This guy thinks cherry picking is more likely than merger.

He never really states his reasons for believing that.

It seems to me that for the cherry picking scenario to occur, it would require less than 9 MWC schools voting to dissolve the MWC and move to the PAC. If it comes to that vote, which schools in the MWC would vote 'no' and what would be their reasoning? Wyoming, Nevada, Utah State, Hawaii, and San Jose State would be crazy to vote 'no'. Those schools only other limited options would be far worse than joining the PAC. I also don't think New Mexico will have any better available alternatives.

That would mean only 3 other MWC schools would need to vote 'yes' in order to dissolve the MWC. CSU, Boise State, and SDSU have been shopping themselves to other conferences for years now - I'm not sure why they wouldn't jump at the chance to go to the PAC.

If there are MWC schools that vote 'no' simply to try to keep the MWC intact as is, they are making a massive error. The MWC days are numbered, at least as it is currently structured, and they would be essentially voting to stay on a sinking ship. As that ships sinks, their options to get off will become more and more limited - especially for schools like UW.
TheRealUW said:
ragtimejoe1 said:

This guy thinks cherry picking is more likely than merger.

He never really states his reasons for believing that.

It seems to me that for the cherry picking scenario to occur, it would require less than 9 MWC schools voting to dissolve the MWC and move to the PAC. If it comes to that vote, which schools in the MWC would vote 'no' and what would be their reasoning? Wyoming, Nevada, Utah State, Hawaii, and San Jose State would be crazy to vote 'no'. Those schools only other limited options would be far worse than joining the PAC. I also don't think New Mexico will have any better available alternatives.

That would mean only 3 other MWC schools would need to vote 'yes' in order to dissolve the MWC. CSU, Boise State, and SDSU have been shopping themselves to other conferences for years now - I'm not sure why they wouldn't jump at the chance to go to the PAC.

If there are MWC schools that vote 'no' simply to try to keep the MWC intact as is, they are making a massive error. The MWC days are numbered, at least as it is currently structured, and they would be essentially voting to stay on a sinking ship. As that ships sinks, their options to get off will become more and more limited - especially for schools like UW.

I might be misreading your comment but I think his context was:
1) cherry pick a few and pay fines.
2) take 9. The 9 vote to dissolve the mwc and 3 are homeless.
3) take all and all vote to dissolve the mwc.

I have no idea how this will turn out but it will be bigger for UW than when the MWC was formed.
TheRealUW said:
ragtimejoe1 said:

This guy thinks cherry picking is more likely than merger.

He never really states his reasons for believing that.

It seems to me that for the cherry picking scenario to occur, it would require less than 9 MWC schools voting to dissolve the MWC and move to the PAC. If it comes to that vote, which schools in the MWC would vote 'no' and what would be their reasoning? Wyoming, Nevada, Utah State, Hawaii, and San Jose State would be crazy to vote 'no'. Those schools only other limited options would be far worse than joining the PAC. I also don't think New Mexico will have any better available alternatives.

That would mean only 3 other MWC schools would need to vote 'yes' in order to dissolve the MWC. CSU, Boise State, and SDSU have been shopping themselves to other conferences for years now - I'm not sure why they wouldn't jump at the chance to go to the PAC.

If there are MWC schools that vote 'no' simply to try to keep the MWC intact as is, they are making a massive error. The MWC days are numbered, at least as it is currently structured, and they would be essentially voting to stay on a sinking ship. As that ships sinks, their options to get off will become more and more limited - especially for schools like UW.

That's because Wilner is a hack. He's a good reporter when it comes to facts, but his opinion musings have never been anywhere close to accurate.
WYO1016 said:
TheRealUW said:
He never really states his reasons for believing that.

It seems to me that for the cherry picking scenario to occur, it would require less than 9 MWC schools voting to dissolve the MWC and move to the PAC. If it comes to that vote, which schools in the MWC would vote 'no' and what would be their reasoning? Wyoming, Nevada, Utah State, Hawaii, and San Jose State would be crazy to vote 'no'. Those schools only other limited options would be far worse than joining the PAC. I also don't think New Mexico will have any better available alternatives.

That would mean only 3 other MWC schools would need to vote 'yes' in order to dissolve the MWC. CSU, Boise State, and SDSU have been shopping themselves to other conferences for years now - I'm not sure why they wouldn't jump at the chance to go to the PAC.

If there are MWC schools that vote 'no' simply to try to keep the MWC intact as is, they are making a massive error. The MWC days are numbered, at least as it is currently structured, and they would be essentially voting to stay on a sinking ship. As that ships sinks, their options to get off will become more and more limited - especially for schools like UW.

That's because Wilner is a hack. He's a good reporter when it comes to facts, but his opinion musings have never been anywhere close to accurate.

Anyone who is saying anything with any certainty, including how iron clad full reverse merger is, is a hack.
TheRealUW said:
Sounds a lot like a collective bargaining agreement. I don't mind the idea of securing a media deal as one large group of universities, as long as it actually results in more money for UW. I guess it all comes down to how much money the MWC could garner for a media deal on its own.

I'm not sold on this idea of splitting the 5 conferences into 8 "regional divisions". I'd prefer to keep the conferences as intact as possible. One scenario might be to have the 5 conference champions get automatic bids to the playoff while the remaining 3 spots are determined by the runners-up (and one wild card team) playing a single "play-in" game to fill out the final spots.

I agree with you. Conferences used to be all about geography. Over the last few years, that is not true. It's money that talks. So if whatever format is decided on, the schools at the highest level will no doubt be handpicked. That even goes for the crappy schools in the highest leagues, e.g. SEC B1G - bye, bye Vanderbilt, Rutgers, Northwestern, et al.

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