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Any new transfers?

McPeachy said:
bladerunnr said:
Linder inherited a real dumpster fire. With the exception of Shyatt's first few seasons, this program has been a complete mess for nearly 20 years. We don't have any NIL to draw transfers here. So, we aren't likely to get another Justin Williams walking through the door.
I'm sympathetic to the Linder haters, to some degree. Frankly, I think he did an amazing job this year to get 8 conference wins out of this group. But this notion that some other coach with a bright and sunny disposition is going to recruit the next Brandon Ewing is wishful thinking.
Wyoming is going to have to join the NIL bandwagon real fast. Even if Linder is not the future, no quality coach is going to come here with the limited resources we offer.

Good post - my questions...

How many D1 basketball programs have an NIL that is "higher / better" than Wyoming (or exists even at a better level)? 100 of 351? 200 of 351? Secondly, how much NIL money are the other MWC schools paying out annually toward their athletes?


I can only go by Ryan Thorburn's interview with the NIL One Wyoming director. I believe he said that every basketball team ahead of us in the standings this year had about 800k in NIL. I think he said San Diego st. and UNLV were higher. He said we were at about 300k. Don't quote me on that. That's my memory from a few months ago. God knows how unreliable that is. Frankly, I don't even know where the numbers come from. Linder made the claim that every player on the 1st and 2nd all conference teams were receiving NIL. Don't know where he got that either.
bladerunnr said:
McPeachy said:
Good post - my questions...

How many D1 basketball programs have an NIL that is "higher / better" than Wyoming (or exists even at a better level)? 100 of 351? 200 of 351? Secondly, how much NIL money are the other MWC schools paying out annually toward their athletes?


I can only go by Ryan Thorburn's interview with the NIL One Wyoming director. I believe he said that every basketball team ahead of us in the standings this year had about 800k in NIL. I think he said San Diego st. and UNLV were higher. He said we were at about 300k. Don't quote me on that. That's my memory from a few months ago. God knows how unreliable that is. Frankly, I don't even know where the numbers come from. Linder made the claim that every player on the 1st and 2nd all conference teams were receiving NIL. Don't know where he got that either.

Quite the situation for Wyoming fans (thinking we are likely one of the smallest and poorest fanbases in the mid-major bucket). We donate to CJC, we donate to the foundation, we donate to the UWAA, we donate to one-offs like the Art Museum and Rodeo Team, we buy tickets, we travel, and much more. And now our hands are being forced to pony up more $$$ for NIL, if we want to see a winner on the court. Ridiculous. And yes, I think they call it donor fatigue. And I have it.
McPeachy said:
bladerunnr said:
I can only go by Ryan Thorburn's interview with the NIL One Wyoming director. I believe he said that every basketball team ahead of us in the standings this year had about 800k in NIL. I think he said San Diego st. and UNLV were higher. He said we were at about 300k. Don't quote me on that. That's my memory from a few months ago. God knows how unreliable that is. Frankly, I don't even know where the numbers come from. Linder made the claim that every player on the 1st and 2nd all conference teams were receiving NIL. Don't know where he got that either.

Quite the situation for Wyoming fans (thinking we are likely one of the smallest and poorest fanbases in the mid-major bucket). We donate to CJC, we donate to the foundation, we donate to the UWAA, we donate to one-offs like the Art Museum and Rodeo Team, we buy tickets, we travel, and much more. And now our hands are being forced to pony up more $$$ for NIL, if we want to see a winner on the court. Ridiculous. And yes, I think they call it donor fatigue. And I have it.

Smallest for sure. That is a huge barrier. My prediction is that If NIL is what it takes...it won't happen at Wyoming. Maybe if they tightened up transfer rules and we got some wizard talent evaluator but even then your ceiling is not as high as schools connected to NIL groups with 3x, 5x or 10x the cash to throw around.
McPeachy said:
bladerunnr said:
I can only go by Ryan Thorburn's interview with the NIL One Wyoming director. I believe he said that every basketball team ahead of us in the standings this year had about 800k in NIL. I think he said San Diego st. and UNLV were higher. He said we were at about 300k. Don't quote me on that. That's my memory from a few months ago. God knows how unreliable that is. Frankly, I don't even know where the numbers come from. Linder made the claim that every player on the 1st and 2nd all conference teams were receiving NIL. Don't know where he got that either.

Quite the situation for Wyoming fans (thinking we are likely one of the smallest and poorest fanbases in the mid-major bucket). We donate to CJC, we donate to the foundation, we donate to the UWAA, we donate to one-offs like the Art Museum and Rodeo Team, we buy tickets, we travel, and much more. And now our hands are being forced to pony up more $$$ for NIL, if we want to see a winner on the court. Ridiculous. And yes, I think they call it donor fatigue. And I have it.

I think the original idea behind NIL was to allow players to capitalize on jersey sales that the schools were making money on. Now, it's just turned into pay for play. I remember C.J. Stroud got a 200k dollar Mercedes G-wagen from a dealer while at Ohio State. I would imagine he did a commercial and made some appearances at that dealership in return for that SUV. So, ideally, NIL should be ponied up by boosters who can actually benefit by using star players to promote their business. Getting ordinary fans to chip in for what is basically player salaries is not going to fly at a lot of schools. I want us to be competitive so I'm chipping in to One Wyoming. But I don't have a problem with those who chose not to.
LawPoke said:
bladerunnr said:
Linder inherited a real dumpster fire. With the exception of Shyatt's first few seasons, this program has been a complete mess for nearly 20 years. We don't have any NIL to draw transfers here. So, we aren't likely to get another Justin Williams walking through the door.
I'm sympathetic to the Linder haters, to some degree. Frankly, I think he did an amazing job this year to get 8 conference wins out of this group. But this notion that some other coach with a bright and sunny disposition is going to recruit the next Brandon Ewing is wishful thinking.
Wyoming is going to have to join the NIL bandwagon real fast. Even if Linder is not the future, no quality coach is going to come here with the limited resources we offer.

Other coaches turn around dumpster fires in a year or two. Linder has poured gas on his conflagration.

All that aside, say Linder had $500k in NIL money - who wants to play for him? His guys are leaving to go to Radford. I’m not guessing Radford has a huge NIL treasure chest. It appears that his guys are running as fast as they can from the guy.

I contend that you can’t build NIL here without a team and coach that can excite the fan base. Maybe it’s a chicken/egg question, but anecdotally I know the people in my circles aren’t excited to hand cash to a guy that will pay a kid only to have him run away after a year under Napoleon.

Look no further than a few hundred miles west and a 1st year coach at Utah State named Sprinkles. And I know he was poached, doesn’t negate - he was a first year coach there.
If the UW athletic department tries to play the NIL game as it is currently played, they are going to lose that game badly.

Our alumni base is relatively small and many of those alumni moved out of state and do not feel connected enough to the university to make any sort of significant monetary contribution to the athletics department. Many of the alumni who are still in Wyoming are fundamentally opposed to paying college athletes under this current structure. Comparatively speaking, very few corporate options for donations exist in Wyoming.

I don’t know the answer, but UW and its athletics department need to start thinking outside the box and fast. I would love to see them try a unique approach to recruiting and retaining athletes because they are going to get taken to the woodshed if they play the NIL game with the big boys.

Linder ‘thrilled,’ ‘excited,’ and ‘ecstatic,’ respectfully, to sign the 3 transfers. I found it a bit humorous that he said basically the exact same thing about each one but just found a different and synonymous adjective to use.

I suppose if he said “to be frank, we signed the guys that we were able to sign given the trajectory of our program under my leadership and available NIL dollars,” then there might be even less excitement.
OrediggerPoke said:

Linder ‘thrilled,’ ‘excited,’ and ‘ecstatic,’ respectfully, to sign the 3 transfers. I found it a bit humorous that he said basically the exact same thing about each one but just found a different and synonymous adjective to use.

I suppose if he said “to be frank, we signed the guys that we were able to sign given the trajectory of our program under my leadership and available NIL dollars,” then there might be even less excitement.

Linder knows the score and the reality. We went to a banquet over the weekend and Linder and other coaches were there. For the most part, it looked like Coach was stapled to the floor in the back of the room with his arms crossed. Very little engagement. I give him 1-2 years at most.
LawPoke said:
For the most part, it looked like Coach was stapled to the floor in the back of the room with his arms crossed. Very little engagement.

Sounds like he is already in game form. Other than it is tough to argue with the refs at a banquet.
LawPoke said:
OrediggerPoke said:

Linder ‘thrilled,’ ‘excited,’ and ‘ecstatic,’ respectfully, to sign the 3 transfers. I found it a bit humorous that he said basically the exact same thing about each one but just found a different and synonymous adjective to use.

I suppose if he said “to be frank, we signed the guys that we were able to sign given the trajectory of our program under my leadership and available NIL dollars,” then there might be even less excitement.

Linder knows the score and the reality. We went to a banquet over the weekend and Linder and other coaches were there. For the most part, it looked like Coach was stapled to the floor in the back of the room with his arms crossed. Very little engagement. I give him 1-2 years at most.

Whoa, writing on the wall? Let's hope he gets caught jacking it somewhere, UW can fire him for cause. :oops:
OrediggerPoke said:
LawPoke said:
For the most part, it looked like Coach was stapled to the floor in the back of the room with his arms crossed. Very little engagement.

Sounds like he is already in game form. Other than it is tough to argue with the refs at a banquet.

but he can denigrate the fans standing back there talking with his homies.
Joe Glenn could probably get some NIL dollars. Linder can be Linder if he’s winning. Most people, including myself, are more than happy to look past an asshole coach when they’re winning. Now he just comes across as a Schroyer type prick. Hope he turns it around.
laxwyo said:
Joe Glenn could probably get some NIL dollars. Linder can be Linder if he’s winning. Most people, including myself, are more than happy to look past an asshole coach when they’re winning. Now he just comes across as a Schroyer type prick. Hope he turns it around.

Generally agree.

The problem is the asshole coach is going to really struggle to win in today’s portal environment. Players get fed up and transfer. Furthermore, the asshole coach is going to struggle to generate NIL and attract players with money.

I see a lot of personality similarities with Linder and Dave Christensen. I also see a similar program trajectory (start off with relative success and then over time the roster becomes an empty cupboard largely devoid of D1 talent).
OrediggerPoke said:
laxwyo said:
Joe Glenn could probably get some NIL dollars. Linder can be Linder if he’s winning. Most people, including myself, are more than happy to look past an asshole coach when they’re winning. Now he just comes across as a Schroyer type prick. Hope he turns it around.

Generally agree.

The problem is the asshole coach is going to really struggle to win in today’s portal environment. Players get fed up and transfer. Furthermore, the asshole coach is going to struggle to generate NIL and attract players with money.

I see a lot of personality similarities with Linder and Dave Christensen. I also see a similar program trajectory (start off with relative success and then over time the roster becomes an empty cupboard largely devoid of D1 talent).

100% agree. You need two things to get money from donors: wins and some semblance of a personality. If you have an affinity for Wyoming (fake like Bohl or real like Roach - doesn't matter), it is even better. Currently, Linder is 0-3 in the "likely to attract money from donors" department. The guy pouts more than a kindergartner that has to stay in from recess and looks like he is enduring a root canal when he is with fans and donors.
The DC comparison was good. A coworker went to a cowboy joe club event and he said DC just say there at the bar and watched espn or something similar. Didn’t interact with members at all.
Pokes fan 24-7 said:
I hope Linder is not done adding, we need a big man or two, maybe another wing…

He can’t be done adding because we have 3 spots to fill and basically no experience at forward/center other than Kojenets. But make no mistake, we will be signing leftovers for players who couldn’t get a spot on Missouri-Kansas City and Texas Southern.
WYO1016 said:

This year it’s just Jeff Linder and the embarrassing Yellowstone .gifs. He’s posted 4 so far this year. Last year Ken DeWeese joined in. This year DeWeese has posted none. That should tell folks a lot.

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