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New Alumni License Plates


Well-known member

Voting has commenced. I hope for Mountains otherwise I’m going with the new state flag license plates.
That striped plate is awful. Then again, they probably spent about 10 minutes designing these - so as expected.
I voted mountains, but I don't hate the stripes like it seems some do. I'd be surprised to see it even remotely close by the time the voting ends, though.
I agree, stripes plate isn't terrible, but if I had a choice, I'd go with the mountains. Either way, it supports UW so I'd buy one if I was a WYO resident.
WYO_Fan_inPA said:
I agree, stripes plate isn't terrible, but if I had a choice, I'd go with the mountains. Either way, it supports UW so I'd buy one if I was a WYO resident.

I wish they'd put Pistol Pete or Cowboy Joe in the background. There are some cool old drawings of CJ.