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24-25 Roster

OrediggerPoke said:
WYO1016 said:

And there it is. So predictable. 😂

A new crop of 1 and dones and other transfers from Idaho State and Cal State Whocares who will transfer to Radford after next season. Rinse, lather, repeat.
It’s worth mentioning that Agbim is unlikely to enter the transfer portal upon enrolling at Wyoming. Like Kot, he has 1 year of eligibility remaining.
Kot was a good pickup last season. I'd rather see us have these players for more than one year, but I'll take one year players when they play at a high level.
WYO1016 said:
Kot was a good pickup last season. I'd rather see us have these players for more than one year, but I'll take one year players when they play at a high level.

It might be Linder’s best realistic strategy. If you have personality difficulties, you might be better off bringing in players for a single season. Agbonkpolo, Anderson and Kyman aside, most players will stick it out for the season.
Fort Lewis College? Meh. We need D1 transfers. My interest in Wyoming basketball is waning. Makes me kinda sad.
OrediggerPoke said:
phxpoke said:
Fort Lewis College? Meh. We need D1 transfers. My interest in Wyoming basketball is waning. Makes me kinda sad.

Would your interest be rejuvenated with another Yellowstone .gif?
lol. As fans who spend a lot of money to travel to games, can we please get something to get excited about?
Itsux2beaewe said:
Linder is starting to NOT…….grow on me.

With due respect for Mr. Agbim, this level of recruit/transfer is not how you compete with the likes of SDSU, CSU and New Mexico. Linder is waving a white flag. This is all he can attract. We are in deep trouble. Deep, deep trouble.
With the 2 senior guard transfers, does this signal that Kenny Foster won’t be returning? It would be strange to carry 4 senior guards.

I was really hoping he would return to give us something to root for.
phxpoke said:
OrediggerPoke said:
Would your interest be rejuvenated with another Yellowstone .gif?
lol. As fans who spend a lot of money to travel to games, can we please get something to get excited about?
How about Belic?

During his time at UC-Santa Barbara, he showed improvement. He went from 2 points a game and 18% from beyond the arc to 3.9 points a game and 26% last year.
OrediggerPoke said:
phxpoke said:
lol. As fans who spend a lot of money to travel to games, can we please get something to get excited about?
How about Belic?

During his time at UC-Santa Barbara, he showed improvement. He went from 2 points a game and 18% from beyond the arc to 3.9 points a game and 26% last year.

Heck, he darn near doubled his production! Those are Caden Powell level numbers. What could go wrong?