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Liberals just don’t understand economics…..


Well-known member
The belief a high minimum wage is going to lift people up economically is so flawed. It doesn’t take an economics major to understand this.

You force a company to not be profitable and guess what, LAYOFFs!

In all fairness, neither side does. They drove us over a fiscal cliff. National debt is on track for 144 trillion by 2050 (or near there).

The biggest National security issue is DC's spending addiction.
ragtimejoe1 said:
In all fairness, neither side does. They drove us over a fiscal cliff. National debt is on track for 144 trillion by 2050 (or near there).

The biggest National security issue is DC's spending addiction.

I actually can’t defend the GOP going along with the spendings bills. They have no influence in the Senate, and hold a small majority in the House. And then there is the Executive branch, Biden who could care less about the national debt because he’ll never have to deal with it in his lifetime once he leaves office.

That said, this minimum wage deal is not sustainable and like most things financially when it comes to the left has an adverse affect on Americans.
I'm no fan of Biden or his fiscal irresponsibility, but to think the GOP has been any better is laughable. Both parties spend like drunken sailors at the expense of the American taxpayer. Here's a little article for your edification about Trump and Bush.

CowboyNV said:
I'm no fan of Biden or his fiscal irresponsibility, but to think the GOP has been any better is laughable. Both parties spend like drunken sailors at the expense of the American taxpayer. Here's a little article for your edification about Trump and Bush.


I’ve never understood this disdain toward the wealthy. The liberal mantra “they need to pay their fair share”. I would expect your link to go to a biased site and it didn’t take long to read the liberal bs bias.

How much tax should people pay? 40%, 50%? I really want you to answer! How dam much? You sound like Bernie Sanders. You realize 50% pay 97% of the tax revenue to the Treasury?

The better question is, why? Why should I have to pay taxes so $100s of millions can be given to countries for border security? Are we securing our borders? Or, why should millions be given to other countries for gender studies. There are 2 genders. Millions don’t need to be sent to them to understand that. Females have a womb, women - men don’t. EZ Peazy. He’ll, send them a biology textbook. Why are we sending our tax $$ to Ukraine to support their Social Security programs when we aren’t sure ours is solvent past 2033?

Wealthy or not 40% for anyone is too much!

When I read your link talking about the wealthy, class envy, I knew again - liberals don’t understand economics.

Another question, how many poor people have you worked for………

Here, you can get an education. https://taxfoundation.org/research/all/federal/rich-pay-their-fair-share-of-taxes/
Triggered much? Seems like the libs are living rent free in your head. Here's a little tidbit for your edification:

A history of the top marginal tax rates on the wealthiest Americans:
1940: 81%
1950: 84%
1960: 91%
1970: 72%
1980: 70%
1990: 28%
2000: 40%
2010: 35%

I'd say things have been trending in a positive direction for the wealthy, but that's just me. I won't sit here and argue with you. Go ahead and rant and rave if it makes you feel better. By the way, the Tax foundation is described as a business-friendly, conservative, and center-right organization. Perhaps you should get your info from numerous sources, instead of only conservative sites (until 2016 I was a proud registered Republican, not so any more). Anyway, maybe meditation or yoga would help with the lib fury.
CowboyNV said:
Triggered much? Seems like the libs are living rent free in your head. Here's a little tidbit for your edification:

A history of the top marginal tax rates on the wealthiest Americans:
1940: 81%
1950: 84%
1960: 91%
1970: 72%
1980: 70%
1990: 28%
2000: 40%
2010: 35%

I'd say things have been trending in a positive direction for the wealthy, but that's just me. I won't sit here and argue with you. Go ahead and rant and rave if it makes you feel better. By the way, the Tax foundation is described as a business-friendly, conservative, and center-right organization. Perhaps you should get your info from numerous sources, instead of only conservative sites (until 2016 I was a proud registered Republican, not so any more). Anyway, maybe meditation or yoga would help with the lib fury.

Awe, thanks for proving my point. 1940 - democratic President. 1950 - democratic. Getting my point. You can sit here and say you think a 80% tax rate is good? As I said, 40% is too much. Especially when you have the issues with spending I listed below.

Answer them by the way. Unless you’re skeered.

And my point is still valid. Democommies don’t understand $hit about economics. Bidenomics with record inflation - is a good thing. Really. Wow…..

I love your retort. I’m not a fan of Biden…..umm I mean, I use to be a Republican…….. Bwahahaha. No wonder you’re clueless. You don’t know what you believe. I understand why you won’t debate - you can’t defend the stupidity of libs. No one can. You might be crazy enough try. If so - go for it.

Few questions, you failed to answer. How much should people pay in taxes? What percent?

Why are we sending money to other countries for border security? Is ours secure?

Why are we sending money to other countries for gender studies? How many genders do you say there are?

Why are we sending money to Ukraine for social security when ours is a wreck?

Does a $20 minimum wage cause layoffs in your opinion?

I’m not triggered - I’m pissed. And its at people like you who put these stupid folks in office. And in most cases, a Republican knows a man can’t get pregnant so no need for gender studies. They used a biology textbook……thank you. Remember, just simple biology……..
CowboyNV said:
Triggered much? Seems like the libs are living rent free in your head. Here's a little tidbit for your edification:

A history of the top marginal tax rates on the wealthiest Americans:
1940: 81%
1950: 84%
1960: 91%
1970: 72%
1980: 70%
1990: 28%
2000: 40%
2010: 35%

I'd say things have been trending in a positive direction for the wealthy, but that's just me. I won't sit here and argue with you. Go ahead and rant and rave if it makes you feel better. By the way, the Tax foundation is described as a business-friendly, conservative, and center-right organization. Perhaps you should get your info from numerous sources, instead of only conservative sites (until 2016 I was a proud registered Republican, not so any more). Anyway, maybe meditation or yoga would help with the lib fury.

Oh, and……have you ever been employed by a poor person? Simple question…..
I think Trump added 7.5 trillion to debt.
By 2050, interest will exceed social security, Medicare, medicaid and ALL other mandatory discretionary spending programs.

Neither side understands economics and that's a fact.
ragtimejoe1 said:
I think Trump added 7.5 trillion to debt.
By 2050, interest will exceed social security, Medicare, medicaid and ALL other mandatory discretionary spending programs.

Neither side understands economics and that's a fact.

One can’t overlook the amount of money in response to the China virus under Trump. This is barrowed - “The coronavirus pandemic sent the annual deficit into record territory. In 2020, Trump’s fourth year, the deficit skyrocketed to $3.13 trillion, largely because of government stimulus payments, unemployment insurance expansions, business operation grants and increased funding for public health”.

Also don’t forget, a President is presiding under the previous administrations spending bill/budget, for a period of their Presidency.

I don’t see Trump signing legislation that would have ever given away money for stimulus - rather a response to the pandemic.

Additionally, I’ve never seen a GOP Congress spending for the crazy things I’ve mentioned in earlier posts. Recently a Judge ruled that Pelosi’s Congress passed a spending bill illegally, or contrary to the US Constitution.

That said, I agree, DC politicians spend too much - of our money.
Itsux2beaewe said:
ragtimejoe1 said:
I think Trump added 7.5 trillion to debt.
By 2050, interest will exceed social security, Medicare, medicaid and ALL other mandatory discretionary spending programs.

Neither side understands economics and that's a fact.

One can’t overlook the amount of money in response to the China virus under Trump. This is barrowed - “The coronavirus pandemic sent the annual deficit into record territory. In 2020, Trump’s fourth year, the deficit skyrocketed to $3.13 trillion, largely because of government stimulus payments, unemployment insurance expansions, business operation grants and increased funding for public health”.

Also don’t forget, a President is presiding under the previous administrations spending bill/budget, for a period of their Presidency.

I don’t see Trump signing legislation that would have ever given away money for stimulus - rather a response to the pandemic.

Additionally, I’ve never seen a GOP Congress spending for the crazy things I’ve mentioned in earlier posts. Recently a Judge ruled that Pelosi’s Congress passed a spending bill illegally, or contrary to the US Constitution.

That said, I agree, DC politicians spend too much - of our money.

Trump is the one that gave amnesty to the vaccine companies. His response to the virus was awful. Hell, he's the one that first paid people to stay home. He was bad then biden took it to a whole new level of bad.

I blame them all, equally. Nobody in this election will turn the tide. I'm starting to think we'll have to hit bankruptcy and another depression before the voting block has had enough off b these 2 clowns (dems and repubs).
Wyokie said:
LanderPoke said:
Every president since and including Reagan f-word us. Reagan actually f-word several key things up

Like the Iran-Contra mess. :roll:
and the mental asylums going away, and sending us into a debt spiral and turning California blue with that amnesty thing. He set a lot of bad precedents.
LanderPoke said:
Wyokie said:
Like the Iran-Contra mess. :roll:
and the mental asylums going away, and sending us into a debt spiral and turning California blue with that amnesty thing. He set a lot of bad precedents.

Forgot about those. Just remembered the Iran mess. Oillie North got famous for it.
CowboyNV said:
Triggered much? Seems like the libs are living rent free in your head. Here's a little tidbit for your edification:

A history of the top marginal tax rates on the wealthiest Americans:
1940: 81%
1950: 84%
1960: 91%
1970: 72%
1980: 70%
1990: 28%
2000: 40%
2010: 35%

I'd say things have been trending in a positive direction for the wealthy, but that's just me. I won't sit here and argue with you. Go ahead and rant and rave if it makes you feel better. By the way, the Tax foundation is described as a business-friendly, conservative, and center-right organization. Perhaps you should get your info from numerous sources, instead of only conservative sites (until 2016 I was a proud registered Republican, not so any more). Anyway, maybe meditation or yoga would help with the lib fury.

Imagine thinking that we can tax our way out of this mess. Instead of raising taxes on the rich, we need to abolish income tax. Or at the very least cut the federal government down to what the constitution said it should only be and then give the surplus back to the people. Central banking is the root of all evil in this country. Your house is not gaining in value, your money is worth less because we print money out of thin air

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