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What could have been

Living their 15 minutes of fame 1 game at a time...lol...yeah if you transfer pay it back to the school u left...sellouts...
stymeman said:
Living their 15 minutes of fame 1 game at a time...lol...yeah if you transfer pay it back to the school u left...sellouts...

Saw where a kid (grew up in Iowa) went to Alabama, was offered $100k to transfer to Iowa, took the money and transferred back to Bama. This whole thing is out of control
Itsux2beaewe said:
stymeman said:
Living their 15 minutes of fame 1 game at a time...lol...yeah if you transfer pay it back to the school u left...sellouts...

Saw where a kid (grew up in Iowa) went to Alabama, was offered $100k to transfer to Iowa, took the money and transferred back to Bama. This whole thing is out of control

Beating a dead horse here, but these NIL collectives and the people donating to them are enabling this insanity.

I'd love to see Wyoming think a bit out of the box when it comes to this. Make our NIL offers incentive based...the better you perform, the more money you get. Have the athletes sign a contract that commits them to UW for a minimum of 2-3 years...if the athlete transfers before that commitment is met, then they immediately owe back 50% of NIL funds earned as an "exit fee".

Why can't the UW try something different? What we are doing now is obviously not working.
TheRealUW said:
Itsux2beaewe said:
Saw where a kid (grew up in Iowa) went to Alabama, was offered $100k to transfer to Iowa, took the money and transferred back to Bama. This whole thing is out of control

Beating a dead horse here, but these NIL collectives and the people donating to them are enabling this insanity.

I'd love to see Wyoming think a bit out of the box when it comes to this. Make our NIL offers incentive based...the better you perform, the more money you get. Have the athletes sign a contract that commits them to UW for a minimum of 2-3 years...if the athlete transfers before that commitment is met, then they immediately owe back 50% of NIL funds earned as an "exit fee".

Why can't the UW try something different? What we are doing now is obviously not working.

Kind of hard to think outside the box with NIL at Wyoming. Assuming Wyoming had real NIL possibilities available to players (which is not the case)... What you describe would just mean players would go elsewhere. Unless the $$ is bigger in Laramie, nobody would sign on for higher restrictions.
TheRealUW said:
Itsux2beaewe said:
Saw where a kid (grew up in Iowa) went to Alabama, was offered $100k to transfer to Iowa, took the money and transferred back to Bama. This whole thing is out of control

Beating a dead horse here, but these NIL collectives and the people donating to them are enabling this insanity.

I'd love to see Wyoming think a bit out of the box when it comes to this. Make our NIL offers incentive based...the better you perform, the more money you get. Have the athletes sign a contract that commits them to UW for a minimum of 2-3 years...if the athlete transfers before that commitment is met, then they immediately owe back 50% of NIL funds earned as an "exit fee".

Why can't the UW try something different? What we are doing now is obviously not working.

First of all, it's not legal, according to the NCAA. No NIL contract can have any kind of performance incentive. Players can go to autograph signings or any kind of marketing promotions, and that's it.
And that's probably a good thing. I can't imagine signing a kid with some kind of incentive based on number of wins or points scored or whatever. I can just see a kid getting benched and then claiming he was benched so he wouldn't reach some NIL incentive.
Regarding Gonzaga: It's a small school but Spokane has about 600k people. So there are a lot boosters who can use players for marketing purposes. Of course, it helps that Gonzaga doesn't have a football team.