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NCAA Wrestling Championships

Volk wins this morning in wrestle back. Has Provo of Stanford next. Needs to win 4 more for All American. if Volk wins against Provo, he would face the 1 seed Davis of Penn State who was upset.

Worth mentioning that all of the top seeds at 125 lost. So the consolations are arguably loaded.
OrediggerPoke said:
Volk wins this morning in wrestle back. Has Provo of Stanford next. Needs to win 4 more for All American. if Volk wins against Provo, he would face the 1 seed Davis of Penn State who was upset.

Worth mentioning that all of the top seeds at 125 lost. So the consolations are arguably loaded.

Jore keeps plugging away. Provo beat him earlier this year. Man, if he gets to be AA then that will be a herculean feat. Jore did himself no favors losing in round 1
'PokeForLife said:
well, hasn't been a good couple years of following sports at all for me, but when did they introduce 3pt takedowns??


This year’s rule changes. All good changes to incentive offense.
LanderPoke said:
Jore beats Provo!

Now he has the 1 seed Davis. And if he wins that he has the winner of Stanich and last year’s champion Ramos. That’s a heck of a draw after losing his first match and the multiple upsets.