Some thoughts on why this is important

Everything Wyoming Cowboy and Mountain West football!
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Some background first, so everyone (hopefully) gets where I'm coming from. Born & raised in Wyoming, got a great education at UW - no debt to drag me down later in life, too. But career and other things I wanted to do in life took me very far away, both in distance and lifestyle. Haven't even been back to visit in a long, long, log time. Have no desire to move back as the things I enjoy in life are much more centered in a big city environment. Prefer a less "conservative" environment. Yadda, yadda, yadda.... Would have been sooo east to just put Wyoming permanently in the rear view mirror. That said, I still remain very plugged into my Cowboy roots through Wyo football and bball. Don't care much anymore for any pro sports - too much big business, too little sport. But, sports-wise, I am definitely still a Cowboy at heart. So why is this important? Well, it would be very easy for me to just completely forget the past and my roots. Same could probably be said for a lot (maybe a majority) of expats from Wyoming. Wyoming sports, particularly football and bball keep me plugged in. My will has UW in it. A small family inheritance will soon become a scholarship there. This is only happening because I maintained a connection. Normally, I have to follow UW games on Gamecasts on my phone or computer. Saturday night's game (thank you, CBS!) was the first Wyo game I have actually seen in it's entirely in literally decades. I was amazing "there" (except for the 1st quarter, of course). So, obviously, I still vicariously live my Cowboy past this way. I hope, for myself but especially for others, that Wyoming sports continue (especially in this horrible changing-for-the-worse college sports scene) to be relevant. It's the only link some of us have. Go Pokes!
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WyoNation Lifer
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You should make we it back for a game!
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