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Drake Jeffries Signs with Orlando Magic


Well-known member

Wow, good for him!
I think it will continue to get easier for us to recruit as we get more guys in the league. It speaks to how good our staff is at identifying and developing talent. We got Drake from Indian Hills and sent him to the league. Ike is going. Maldo has a shot.

This should be a reminder that our staff is going to be due another raise at the end of this season.
That is crazy. Was not expecting that, especially after he basically didn’t play for the Nuggs during summer league. Way to go, Drake!
If there's one guy that could have benefited with another year of development under our staff, it would have been Drake Jeffries. When I heard he declared early I thought immediately of Europe, which is fine. You can make a ton of money there.

Still, an extra year of our staff would make it a lot more likely you would stick on an NBA roster.

This seems like a parents bad decision to me. I dont think Drake would pass on whats about to occur in Laramie to play in the D league or Europe.

We'll see, but Drake is going to hate it if Wyoming is on a deep run in March and Drakes getting p.t. for some d league squad.

I guess, at least his family will get paid.