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Arizona Cardinals


Well-known member
Being a long time fan and understanding medocrity with them in NFL and The Pokes. 9-2 into the bye and getting QB 1 Kyler Murray and WR1 Deandre Hopkins, these last 6 games are going to be funnnnn!!!! Join the Cardinals bandwagon it might be fun!!
Wyokie said:
stymeman said:
Spoke too soon 10-5, typical Cardinals, let the slide continue

They peaked WAY too soon.

Did they stop calling roughing the child penalties? Every normal hit was being called because he’s tiny and you’ll hit him in the head with your stomach.
stymeman said:
Spoke too soon 10-5, typical Cardinals, let the slide continue

They had a terrible record when DeAndre Hopkins did not play. With him, they were 10-2 or something along that.