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South Florida


Well-known member
Christmas day against a not very good South Florida team. Wyoming needs to put them away early and win this by 20+. My concern is the team comes out flat against a team they should steam roll and let's USF control the pace of the game.
DVDA said:
Christmas day against a not very good South Florida team. Wyoming needs to put them away early and win this by 20+. My concern is the team comes out flat against a team they should steam roll and let's USF control the pace of the game.

Tempo will likely be slow regardless. Pokes are 291st in Tempo and USF is 341st. Both teams play slow.
And Honolulu is three hrs earlier than MST.. Will anybody even be awake at the 8:30 am Honolulu start time?
DVDA said:
My concern is the team comes out flat against a team they should steam roll and let's USF control the pace of the game.
It should be noted that USF only lost by 6 this year to No. 21 ranked Auburn.
LanderPoke said:
8:30 am Christmas morning? Don’t think I’ll get away with watching this one ha ha ha.

It will be 11:30 mountain time if you are still in the mountain time zone. 8:30 local Hawaii time.
seattlecowboy said:
LanderPoke said:
8:30 am Christmas morning? Don’t think I’ll get away with watching this one ha ha ha.

It will be 11:30 mountain time if you are still in the mountain time zone. 8:30 local Hawaii time.

Oh nice. Think I will tune in
LanderPoke said:
Usf shooting out of their minds. Don’t think they can keep it up

Shooting out of their minds on the shot Linder wants every team to take as well. They can't continue nailing long 2's all game long. There is a reason they are one of the worst shooting teams in the country and it's because these are the shots they take.
DVDA said:
LanderPoke said:
Usf shooting out of their minds. Don’t think they can keep it up

Shooting out of their minds on the shot Linder wants every team to take as well. They can't continue nailing long 2's all game long. There is a reason they are one of the worst shooting teams in the country and it's because these are the shots they take.
USF still making those extremely difficult shots
Glad to see Oden play a lot better in the 2nd half and also see Kenny Foster knock down a couple of 3 balls.

Great 2nd half overall by Wyoming. Finished out of conference 11-2. Better than I think anyone expected before the year started. Hopefully we start conference on a winning streak.
Setting up that Oden alley oop says everything about the difference between Linder and Edwards. I would like to see more motion in the offense but we're really lucky to have a coach that gets it.

The kids did a good job putting USF away in the second half. Overall they did a good job of staying focused in Hawaii. Now to grind out some conference wins and keep this team in range for an at large bid to the tournament.
Nice win pokes!! Seems they finally got used to shooting on those rims by the last half of the whole tournament
DVDA said:
Setting up that Oden alley oop says everything about the difference between Linder and Edwards. I would like to see more motion in the offense but we're really lucky to have a coach that gets it.

The kids did a good job putting USF away in the second half. Overall they did a good job of staying focused in Hawaii. Now to grind out some conference wins and keep this team in range for an at large bid to the tournament.

What’s funny is I was watching some stuff on YouTube the other day about how Villanova, I think it was, attacks a zone. They flash a guy from the block high with another guy setting a pick and having another guy running the baseline behind the guy flashing from the block for ally oop dunks. That’s what Linder ran on that play and it worked perfectly. Seems teams don’t ever expect it.
I know a couple of you said Williams was a cancer but man, he’d be just the ticket right about now. This team could make a run
laxwyo said:
I know a couple of you said Williams was a cancer but man, he’d be just the ticket right about now. This team could make a run

Would love to have Williams. But that said, Maldo has really picked up his game this year. Love seeing the ball in his hands as much as possible. And now he is starting to shoot outside as well. So you never know. Losing Williams could be a blessing and a curse.