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Super Bowl coming


Well-known member
If the Bills and Browns end up in the AFC championship game we truly are in the darkest timeline.

That said, a Packers, Bills Super Bowl might be enough to get me to watch a game this year.
jessejames02 said:
If the Bills and Browns end up in the AFC championship game we truly are in the darkest timeline.

That said, a Packers, Bills Super Bowl might be enough to get me to watch a game this year.

I want either a Bills-Saints Super Bowl or a Bills-Buccaneers Super Bowl. A Chiefs-Packers Super Bowl would be boring as hell. If Browns make it in, the ratings for the Super Bowl would be the worst of all-time!!!!!
If the browns make it in I think the ratings will be high with the non-football watching world wondering how the hell the Browns made it to a Super Bowl.
jessejames02 said:
If the browns make it in I think the ratings will be high with the non-football watching world wondering how the hell the Browns made it to a Super Bowl.

Nobody likes the browns. Bills had high viewership in prime time and it should continue for Super Bowl.
LanderPoke said:
Bills are going to the SB. Book it
Ooops, wishful thinking talking there, Josh wasn't ready, but that's upcoming in the future, Buccs Chiefs kinda interesting, hope Brady does it cuz we'll NEVER see this kind of QB in a loooong time and i don't like either team, but they've been down for alot of years so its kinda neat to see