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Houston Astros “cheating” scandal


Well-known member
Ok guys what are your thoughts on the Houston Astros scandal?

Ten years ago I had to relocate from Casper to Houston to keep my job. Although a Rockies fan at the time I eventually became an Astros fan as well. Their 2017 season was a lot of fun to watch as they took the World Series.

Then it became known that they cheated by stealing signs.

1. I didn’t realize that was against the rules. Playing baseball in my youth I thought that was part of the game.

2. It didn’t really help the Astros. They actually had a better away record than they had at home. So it was stupid.

3. The final game of the World Series was away.

So it pisses me off that they cheated especially since it didn’t really help them.

Would it be cheating in college football if you could decode all those signs being held up for the offense from the sidelines?

I am really torn. I like a lot of the Astros as people not just as athletes but this taints them.
I'm somewhat torn, on one hand what they did was definitely illegal. On the other, I'd bet every dime i have that they weren't the only team.

To touch on what you said above. The cheating wasn't just at home, there is evidence that they cheated on the road as well.

Finally, it is a HUGE advantage to the batter to know if the pitch is a fastball or not. Yes, you still have to hit it but it helps knowing if it's coming at 95 or 80.
Could you elaborate on how they cheated at away games? To my knowledge they only cheated at home using a camera mounted in center field.
• The use of Codebreaker continued into 2018 and not just at home games, but also on the road. Until this point, it was assumed that the Astros only used their system at home. This story suggests they used at least some version of it on the road.

Got it from this article:

Astros Cheating Scandal
Stealing signs by itself really isn’t against the rules. It’s the use of technology to do so that is not allowed. In youth baseball it is generally against the rules but as levels progress there are no rules against sign stealing
MLB starts play this coming weekend. I honestly don’t care anymore. Not interested in MLB NFL or NBA. I have lost all interest. It has all become too political.

I would be very excited for Cowboy football this year but don’t expect it be a normal season if at all. Damn it!