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Will there be football this fall?


Well-known member
According to Kirk Herbstreit, not likely. I'm afraid I agree with him.

I was in my local King Soopers today in Fort Collins. Everyone is avoiding each other like lepers. Larimer county has only had about 50 cases and 1 death ( an 80 something female). If even 1 player gets it, everything will be cancelled.
I completely doubt there will any sports at all until January or February of 2021. Sadly....

Eventhough the virus is natural and no one is to be blamed for it, I do think China's govt. made EVERYTHING worse than it coulda been.
I doubt we see any Football or sports until 2021. Which sucks.. I need some sports in my life! I'd even take Auto Racing or Golf as these would be the best "social distancing" sports that probably could continue.
Wyokie said:
I completely doubt there will any sports at all until January or February of 2021. Sadly....

Eventhough the virus is natural and no one is to be blamed for it, I do think China's govt. made EVERYTHING worse than it coulda been.

China? It was our own government who screwed the pooch hard, first by downplaying it, then by saying no to freely offered tests, then by letting people in from areas with the virus for over a month before they did anything about it.

China got it more or less under control quickly at least, regardless of how awful their methods were.
Asmodeanreborn said:
Wyokie said:
I completely doubt there will any sports at all until January or February of 2021. Sadly....

Eventhough the virus is natural and no one is to be blamed for it, I do think China's govt. made EVERYTHING worse than it coulda been.

China? It was our own government who screwed the pooch hard, first by downplaying it, then by saying no to freely offered tests, then by letting people in from areas with the virus for over a month before they did anything about it.

China got it more or less under control quickly at least, regardless of how awful their methods were.

The virus started in China, and China has been lying from day 1. Do you really believe China has had fewer cases than the US?
Fighting over the origins and what could have been done will accomplish a lot...both of you just shut the hell up and focus on everyone being better, regardless of ethnicity
J-Bone said:
Asmodeanreborn said:
Wyokie said:
I completely doubt there will any sports at all until January or February of 2021. Sadly....

Eventhough the virus is natural and no one is to be blamed for it, I do think China's govt. made EVERYTHING worse than it coulda been.

China? It was our own government who screwed the pooch hard, first by downplaying it, then by saying no to freely offered tests, then by letting people in from areas with the virus for over a month before they did anything about it.

China got it more or less under control quickly at least, regardless of how awful their methods were.

The virus started in China, and China has been lying from day 1. Do you really believe China has had fewer cases than the US?

The confirmed cases in the US has topped the 100,000 mark already. And while the virus started in China, certain people in government that had been provided several options for this very sort of thing, screwed the pooch, HARD on it. By calling it a "hoax", a "Democrat lie", among other direct quotes, certain people that have been in a position to get this squared away early on ignored it. And just yesterday (Thursday) refused to get New York more ventilators because they "felt it wasn't that bad".

A certain someone that has and had the ability to curtail this before it spread so badly, and to aid those in desperate need for supplies, screwed up. Bigly. To the point where Governor after Governor has had to order statewide shut downs in order to keep infections at a minimum. Because someone refused to acknowledge it early on.
fromolwyoming said:
J-Bone said:
Asmodeanreborn said:
Wyokie said:
I completely doubt there will any sports at all until January or February of 2021. Sadly....

Eventhough the virus is natural and no one is to be blamed for it, I do think China's govt. made EVERYTHING worse than it coulda been.

China? It was our own government who screwed the pooch hard, first by downplaying it, then by saying no to freely offered tests, then by letting people in from areas with the virus for over a month before they did anything about it.

China got it more or less under control quickly at least, regardless of how awful their methods were.

The virus started in China, and China has been lying from day 1. Do you really believe China has had fewer cases than the US?

The confirmed cases in the US has topped the 100,000 mark already. And while the virus started in China, certain people in government that had been provided several options for this very sort of thing, screwed the pooch, HARD on it. By calling it a "hoax", a "Democrat lie", among other direct quotes, certain people that have been in a position to get this squared away early on ignored it. And just yesterday (Thursday) refused to get New York more ventilators because they "felt it wasn't that bad".

A certain someone that has and had the ability to curtail this before it spread so badly, and to aid those in desperate need for supplies, screwed up. Bigly. To the point where Governor after Governor has had to order statewide shut downs in order to keep infections at a minimum. Because someone refused to acknowledge it early on.

This was not intended to be a political post. But I'm so tired of hearing this liberal horseshit. Every democratic candidate called Trump's travel ban from China as "xenophobia". The virus would have been here much faster without the travel ban. Look at Italy and Europe in general. Half the cases are in New York, and most of those are in New York city. It appears that keeping the subways open was a horrible decision.
The over reaction to this is just amazing. Wyoming has all of 70 cases and no deaths. And yet, the state is shut down just like Colorado. Millions of people are losing their jobs. The U.S. economy will never fully recover from this shutdown.
I don't believe the administration is without fault. But it appears the entire world was caught flat footed regarding this. China knew the virus could be transmitted human to human and they let people travel anyway. They are the real bad actor in this. But liberals just have this instinct to blame Trump for everything. Just amazing.
Wyokie said:
I completely doubt there will any sports at all until January or February of 2021. Sadly....

Eventhough the virus is natural and no one is to be blamed for it, I do think China's govt. made EVERYTHING worse than it coulda been.

The more and more I think each and every passing day, I tend to agree with this. Obviously, no league has made any cancellation decisions yet because it is still too early. But I am sure once we get to a certain point, if we get there, cancellations of seasons could happen in the NBA, NHL, etc. Really, it's only a matter of time.
First, being disgruntled with a communist-facist regime has nothing to do with their biological ethnicity. I don't like communist regimes whether they be German, Russian, Chinese, Korean, or some old white guy from Vermont. Admittedly, I am a little cranky this morning. Point being I don't like or trust communist officials and I would trust any information coming from the CCP as much as the test kits they sent to the Czechs.

Second, I think there will be football this fall. This social distancing and the other ways we are trying to overcome this has a shelf life. We as a society will not function with a shutdown economy for too long of a period of time. If (and in my mind a very plausible if) coronavirus is still causing problems by fall, people will have to adjust from trying to flatten the curve to living with Corona virus. To those that can't deal with that concept, welcome to 99% of humanity's time on Earth.

Hope you all stay safe and healthy and go Pokes!
I doubt there will be football. I have a really good contact on this and China is not getting back to normal. Their numbers are not accurate. To make matters worse, there are potential reinfections already (picked up by NPR). If China is the model for recovery, we are screwed. There simply is no real model for recovery in large, complex societies.

This has nothing to do with politics and a very real chance we'll be left with no option other than letting it run its course...over and over. This is worse, by far, than swine flu let alone seasonal flu. We have no idea if immunity is long-lasting or not. If it turns out that we don't build immunity to it, there is nothing we can do without a treatment. We also don't know the long-term impacts of the lung damage we are seeing in recovered people.

It might be that the only thing we are doing now is buying time to build medical infrastructure. There aren't any good options on this and not even the mighty political parties could have done anything about it. It's going to be a long road, we won't contain it, and millions will die without a treatment. Getting the medical capacity ramped up will help save lives and that's the best we can do at the moment. Can the economy survive? Who knows, but we won't be out of this by fall or maybe ever.
Ronalduw said:
Fighting over the origins and what could have been done will accomplish a lot...both of you just shut the hell up and focus on everyone being better, regardless of ethnicity

It doesn't have anything to do with an ethnicity. It's Chinese government.

Avian flu, SARS, and now COVID all originated from China due to their wet markets. We can all see how destructive it has become. There needs to be some sort of accountability so this does not happen again. In the end, hundreds of thousands of people will likely perish and the economic fallout will lead to more dire situations including homelessness, suicides, drug abuse, and crime.
bladerunnr said:
This was not intended to be a political post. But I'm so tired of hearing this liberal [#]sh#t. Every democratic candidate called Trump's travel ban from China as "xenophobia". The virus would have been here much faster without the travel ban. Look at Italy and Europe in general. Half the cases are in New York, and most of those are in New York city. It appears that keeping the subways open was a horrible decision.
The over reaction to this is just amazing. Wyoming has all of 70 cases and no deaths. And yet, the state is shut down just like Colorado. Millions of people are losing their jobs. The U.S. economy will never fully recover from this shutdown.
I don't believe the administration is without fault. But it appears the entire world was caught flat footed regarding this. China knew the virus could be transmitted human to human and they let people travel anyway. They are the real bad actor in this. But liberals just have this instinct to blame Trump for everything. Just amazing.

People freaked out about the travel ban? Experts ASKED for a travel ban in January already when our President famously said "It's just one guy from China."

I think the main problem is that just a few years ago, the U.S. had a response plan for exactly this type of situation, but during the transition there were literally people falling asleep during the briefing, and then the Pandemic Response Team was fired and CDC's global division was reduced by something like 80%.

The whole world was definitely not caught flat-footed on this either. There are plenty of examples of countries who pounced on it. South Korea managed to get in control without even shutting things down, because they pounced on it. Italy... screwed up majorly. So did plenty of other places.
I think one important thing to remember here is that the goal of the whole "everybody stay home" thing isn't to completely eradicate the virus. It's going to go through our entire population, one way or other.

The target is to slow the spread so our healthcare can deal with the serious cases as they come in. I actually do think we will have football this Fall, and I think people will continue to get sick throughout. The serious hope is that people who have had it once will be very unlikely (but not completely immune) to get it again.
South Korea vs us isn't even in the stratosphere of a comparison.

Despite partisan hacks there is no stopping and probably no real chance of flattening the curve in a country like the US. The measures taken helped some but slowing it down much just isn't feasible

No. There wasn't a hell of a lot anyone could do. Think about it. Wuhan is something like 11 million. Best estimate is that it was first detected in Nov but could have very likely been around before that. Over 3k international flights per day out of Wuhan through much of Nov. The cat was out of the bag before we had a chance.

The blame game is simply partisan hacks blinded by identity politics.
ragtimejoe1 said:
The blame game is simply partisan hacks blinded by identity politics.

This is what pisses me off the most about this country right now. Apparently facts don't matter, and if you criticize what's one of the easily worst presidents in U.S. history, you have to somehow be rooting for the opposite party. The rest of the world is flabbergasted about the current administration, including our closest allies. The administration alone couldn't have done this, though. It goes far deeper than that, and yes, in many ways the President is right that the media is full of lies. Sadly, when it comes to Fox and Sinclair media, they're far worse when it comes to propaganda than sensationalist crap like CNN.

Anybody who happens to admit science is real, who wants fiscal responsibility at every level, who calls out any lies or idiotic statements for what they are, are suddenly partisan hacks. Apparently there is no political party for me, but I'm thrown in with the "liberals" for some reason just because I'm not a red hat.
Something to consider....remember reading about the Spanish Flu (1918-1920)? That virus hit the world in three waves before dying out. The first wave wasn't that bad but it was the second one that did the most damage. Estimates of anywhere from 20 million to as high as 100 million people died from it...in a world that had roughly around 2 billion. No one still has a clue where that one got started...most likely at a Army base in central Kansas. By the way, the infamous Black Death (late 1340s) that wiped at least half of Europe got started in..........China. First European port to get hit by that Plague....Italy.

History has a weird way of repeating itself.
Asmodeanreborn said:
ragtimejoe1 said:
The blame game is simply partisan hacks blinded by identity politics.

This is what pisses me off the most about this country right now. Apparently facts don't matter, and if you criticize what's one of the easily worst presidents in U.S. history, you have to somehow be rooting for the opposite party. The rest of the world is flabbergasted about the current administration, including our closest allies. The administration alone couldn't have done this, though. It goes far deeper than that, and yes, in many ways the President is right that the media is full of lies. Sadly, when it comes to Fox and Sinclair media, they're far worse when it comes to propaganda than sensationalist crap like CNN.

Anybody who happens to admit science is real, who wants fiscal responsibility at every level, who calls out any lies or idiotic statements for what they are, are suddenly partisan hacks. Apparently there is no political party for me, but I'm thrown in with the "liberals" for some reason just because I'm not a red hat.

Since nobody that is large country with a complex society has slowed it down, I'm going to say regardless of response, science indicates most measures are futile. I know 100% China is blowing smoke. Hell, their test had an accuracy somewhere around 60 to 70 percent.

Some estimates put the virus here in Dec! There was no slowing this. Our first batch of tests were compromised so we were a week behind when we started seeing blow ups.

The blame game is partisanship. Acting like something could have prevented this or slowed it more is nothing short of ridiculous. We're about to find out that the measures we've taken are mostly futile. The pictures isn't good.