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2A football potential


Well-known member
Watched my Buffalo Bison dismantle a big, decent Big Piney team last night, 65-7, barring no injuries playoff to championship showing a rematch with Mountain View(58-7 winners), should be fun and man are the Bison fast, can't say much for MV.....and I hope UW is looking at Dawson Hatch!! Keeping the Buffalo pipeline open...
Too bad it got 1st draw, some of us hafta work Friday, tough draw but lots of my Buffalo faithful will make the trek.....Go Bison
2A should be a fun game. 4A should be interesting as well. 3A - Star Valley should easily win. 6 - man Little Snake River should stomp whoever they are playing.
I think the biggest question for 6-man is if Little Snake River can keep the shutout streak alive and finish the season without having given up a single point.
WestWYOPoke said:
I think the biggest question for 6-man is if Little Snake River can keep the shutout streak alive and finish the season without having given up a single point.

I'm trying to think of a more unlikely football stat than this and having a hard time.. truly unbelievable.

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