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Fuchs Out


Well-known member
Fuchs out as Oline coach. Report is Klayton Adams from CU will replace him.

I was hoping for a Mike Grant replacement.
Don't have an opinion on Fuchs, but Klayton seems like a good addition. He was the Co-Offensive Coordinator (Run Game Coordinator) and TEs coach at CU. He also knows the MWC, played at BSU and was a GA there. Coached TEs at SJSU. I wonder if there are any recruits he might bring with him?
With Colorado without a staff I would say there is a good chance he brings in recruits.
I thought Fuchs did well, but we don’t know the whole story. I would like to see Grant replaced, but at least Bohl is willing to replace coaches and not ride them out until it is too late (Vigen?)
Vapoke said:
With Colorado without a staff I would say there is a good chance he brings in recruits.
I thought Fuchs did well, but we don’t know the whole story. I would like to see Grant replaced, but at least Bohl is willing to replace coaches and not ride them out until it is too late (Vigen?)

My thoughts exactly. This a recruiting move not necessarily a "coaching" upgrade.
2011BisonAlumni said:

Stopped over here to see what is up. IMO, that is a horrible decision by Bohl. Fuchs is one heck of a coach and even a better man.
Fuchs has kind of sucked. You guys can have him back. Our o-line can only get better. Pass blocking has always been terrible and any time we've had a good running back it's because they are exceptional at breaking tackles, and not necessarily b/c they have great holes to run through, admittedly the crap scheme has a lot to do with it
Vapoke said:
With Colorado without a staff I would say there is a good chance he brings in recruits.
I thought Fuchs did well, but we don’t know the whole story. I would like to see Grant replaced, but at least Bohl is willing to replace coaches and not ride them out until it is too late (Vigen?)
I can't believe we're really going to trot another Vigen-led offense out there :x
LanderPoke said:
2011BisonAlumni said:

Stopped over here to see what is up. IMO, that is a horrible decision by Bohl. Fuchs is one heck of a coach and even a better man.
Fuchs has kind of sucked. You guys can have him back. Our o-line can only get better. Pass blocking has always been terrible and any time we've had a good running back it's because they are exceptional at breaking tackles, and not necessarily b/c they have great holes to run through, admittedly the crap scheme has a lot to do with it

This. I have never been blown away with the offensive line play since Bohl was here. Our best offense in that time was a once-in-a-generation running back paired with a once-in-a-generation QB who was running all over the place anyway. Bohl does gets some blame for the depth issues starting freshmen every damn season.
Recruiting move makes sense.

However, I wonder if this is Bohl's attempt to fix the offense?

Not sure our offensive issues are because of 2 position coaches.
I think that Fuchs was his own worst enemy. I have heard nothing but good things about the man personally.

Fuchs did A LOT of shuffling guys around every year, and for the last several years the OL started off slowly at the beginning of the season. The Tackle play was poor, and that is being generous. Fuchs had issues with settling down on a starting 5. Bohl wants to go to the next level and (just my feeling) he felt that the OL had not progressed, and everything that the Vigen offense is predicated on starts with the OL. With the OL playing so poorly it does (whether we like or not) limit the plays that the OC can call. I see this first and foremost as an upgrade, not as much of a recruiting item. Adams is from CA., we already have two people there, and I didn't think that the recruiting along the OL was that bad, they just never overall, except with a few exceptions, the OL didn't progress as much as they needed to make it a real strength of the Offense.
I have an acquaintance that coaches at CU and as soon as this move was announced he texted me and said Wyoming got one of the best coaches and guys he has ever been around in Adams.

I think this may be a simple case of Bohl seeing an opportunity to upgrade his staff with the shuffling taking place in Boulder. I like the move and he has OC expereince, maybe he can lend a hand to Vigen.

CU ran a solid offense this year with Laviska Shenault and Steven Montez. Montez is similar to Chambers. He is a big mobile QB,
Added bonus: now we don't have to have a guy whose last name sounds like the Irish pronunciation of the f word on our staff. Fook!
LanderPoke said:
Added bonus: now we don't have to have a guy whose last name sounds like the Irish pronunciation of the f word on our staff. Fook!
Hard to grow up with that name. I'd get tired of, "No, it's not pronounced 'f-cks', it rhymes with 'pukes'."
Adams is a disaster hire. I'm CU alum who follows the program closely. Love Wy as my son is current student in the CEAS. CU's OL has been woeful the last two years. a total cluster$&c!. All attributable to Adam. Thought CB know better.
eastside said:
Adams is a disaster hire. I'm CU alum who follows the program closely. Love Wy as my son is current student in the CEAS. CU's OL has been woeful the last two years. a total cluster$&c!. All attributable to Adam. Thought CB know better.

I thought the line problems were mainly due to injuries (including ones they played through), and that's a big part of how they crashed this last season after winning 5 or 6 straight?
eastside said:
Adams is a disaster hire. I'm CU alum who follows the program closely. Love Wy as my son is current student in the CEAS. CU's OL has been woeful the last two years. a total cluster$&c!. All attributable to Adam. Thought CB know better.
Well then I guess this is good news.

J-Rod said:
eastside said:
Adams is a disaster hire. I'm CU alum who follows the program closely. Love Wy as my son is current student in the CEAS. CU's OL has been woeful the last two years. a total cluster$&c!. All attributable to Adam. Thought CB know better.
Well then I guess this is good news.

wow. great. I'm sure there's just tons of qualified candidates still out there for us to hire.