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Anyone else notice that Campbell County and Thunder Basin suck?


Well-known member
Weird how you don't win everything when it's a level playing field. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: All their past "championships" should be vacated.
Well... the Camels did win boys and girls basketball titles. In reality they haven’t be great in football in about a decade ( by great I mean winning titles). Sheridan seems to be the top program for football both now and historically.
And why should all their past championships be vacated? They played within the rules provided.
roozy said:
And why should all their past championships be vacated? They played within the rules provided.

Unless there was some sort of lie... er I mean "fudging" of enrollment such as cough Jackson cough, I don't see the need to vacate titles either.
roozy said:
And why should all their past championships be vacated? They played within the rules provided.

I wrestled for CCHS from 2003-2006 and everything was done well within the guidelines. I can tell you from being within the program and a part of many of the other programs we followed the rules. And during the time leading up to my being there, during, and after we were really only extremely good at three things and that was swimming, wrestling, and basketball. Did we compete for championships every year in everything else, of course we did, did we win them all the time no. We had a few programs that we middle of the pack most years too. Now that the schools have split, it's not a three team race for football between Gillette, Natrona, and Sheridan, it's just going to be Natrona and Sheridan. Your griping has no basis. All the other schools in the state get their fair share as well.
They should have been separated into two sports programs from the time they split into two campuses. It does seem a little ridiculous to have too many students to have one school and not enough for two sports programs.

Also, the Casper schools are a bit unfair too to be truthful. From a sports perspective, they should be required to go to the school based on where they live, just like the rule for the Cheyenne schools. Instead, you get Natrona getting the football and basketball players and KW getting soccer and swimming (at least that's how it went when I was in school).
'PokeForLife said:
They should have been separated into two sports programs from the time they split into two campuses. It does seem a little ridiculous to have too many students to have one school and not enough for two sports programs.

Also, the Casper schools are a bit unfair too to be truthful. From a sports perspective, they should be required to go to the school based on where they live, just like the rule for the Cheyenne schools. Instead, you get Natrona getting the football and basketball players and KW getting soccer and swimming (at least that's how it went when I was in school).

School of choice in Casper is a great thing with educational benefits. Some things are more important than sports.
Poke in New England said:
'PokeForLife said:
They should have been separated into two sports programs from the time they split into two campuses. It does seem a little ridiculous to have too many students to have one school and not enough for two sports programs.

Also, the Casper schools are a bit unfair too to be truthful. From a sports perspective, they should be required to go to the school based on where they live, just like the rule for the Cheyenne schools. Instead, you get Natrona getting the football and basketball players and KW getting soccer and swimming (at least that's how it went when I was in school).

School of choice in Casper is a great thing with educational benefits. Some things are more important than sports.

You'll notice that's why I specifically said "from a sports perspective". The entire conversation is about how the rules in place for some cities gives them competitive advantage in sports. Casper has a little bit of an excuse guess, but It makes me wonder why everyone doesn't choose one school if one is better. Which subjects are kids going to one school for that the other doesn't do as well in?

Gillette always should have been split into two sports programs when they had two schools. And there is no moral high ground to stand on in that situation. All that really did is deny some guys the opportunity to get playing time. Bad for everyone.
'PokeForLife said:
Poke in New England said:
'PokeForLife said:
They should have been separated into two sports programs from the time they split into two campuses. It does seem a little ridiculous to have too many students to have one school and not enough for two sports programs.

Also, the Casper schools are a bit unfair too to be truthful. From a sports perspective, they should be required to go to the school based on where they live, just like the rule for the Cheyenne schools. Instead, you get Natrona getting the football and basketball players and KW getting soccer and swimming (at least that's how it went when I was in school).

School of choice in Casper is a great thing with educational benefits. Some things are more important than sports.

You'll notice that's why I specifically said "from a sports perspective". The entire conversation is about how the rules in place for some cities gives them competitive advantage in sports. Casper has a little bit of an excuse guess, but It makes me wonder why everyone doesn't choose one school if one is better. Which subjects are kids going to one school for that the other doesn't do as well in?

Gillette always should have been split into two sports programs when they had two schools. And there is no moral high ground to stand on in that situation. All that really did is deny some guys the opportunity to get playing time. Bad for everyone.

It's more about schools being different and being a better fit for a particular student than one necessarily being better. Although the highest level academic track at Natrona is more respected, both are very good high schools and tend to (mostly) attract kids from the respective sides of town. But there are plenty of exceptions — I knew third generation Natrona students who lived on the East Side blocks from KW. It tends to make a bigger difference at the elementary level where there are lots of choices and bigger differences between schools.

And I'm with you. No need to make excuses for the CCCS'ers :rofl:
Sheridan had been pretty dominant in the history of football (26 titles?) vs. 4 for Campbell County.

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