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Wyo @ Fresno Game Thread

Wyo2dal said:
It's very very hard to watch this team this year. Our offense or lack thereof is so predictable everyone knows exactly what's coming on 1st and 2nd down for the entire game.

Basketball season can't come soon enough.
Honestly, will that be any better?
phxpoke said:
Wyo2dal said:
It's very very hard to watch this team this year. Our offense or lack thereof is so predictable everyone knows exactly what's coming on 1st and 2nd down for the entire game.

Basketball season can't come soon enough.
Honestly, will that be any better?

It can't be any worse and it'll be different for at least a couple games. We know exactly how this Football season will end. We'll squeak out just enough wins to be bottom of the FBS bowl eligible and somehow it'll get praise for turning around a disastrous season.
Wyo2dal said:
phxpoke said:
Wyo2dal said:
It's very very hard to watch this team this year. Our offense or lack thereof is so predictable everyone knows exactly what's coming on 1st and 2nd down for the entire game.

Basketball season can't come soon enough.
Honestly, will that be any better?

It can't be any worse and it'll be different for at least a couple games. We know exactly how this Football season will end. We'll squeak out just enough wins to be bottom of the FBS bowl eligible and somehow it'll get praise for turning around a disastrous season.

You're drunk if you think we'll get bowl eligible.
fucking worst offense in the country. i can call better plays using just tecmo bowl, no need for a real playbook. vigen has no clue, and isnt worthy of coaching jr high games.

fucking quit this nonsense and make a change bohl

i cant wait to lookup more national dumpster fire stats and start hurling that garbage everywhere...this offense is atrocious and vigen should be gone immediately. just run the annexation of puerto rico every play, should do better than his weak ass playcalling

fire vigen, get somone who wants to run but knows how to scheme, adjust, and not run hitches and out routes
Asmodeanreborn said:
I can't watch basketball... it's almost as boring as soccer.

If you think basketball is more boring than what we're seeing out of the football team this year........ then I've got a tropical island to sell you
Guys I want to apologize for saying our offensive talent was FCS level. That was a real insult....to FCS levels. It’s actually more on par with Division III talent.
It is sad when I can look at a game and know before the kickoff that we will loose. Vander Waal needs to go! He has no business being anywhere near a football field. Inept does not begin to describe just how horrible he is. Change needs to happen in a hurry.

On the other side of the ball, Fresno St. receivers were wide open way too many times. While the defense did keep us is the game much of the first half, the pass defense needs to get much better!
SDPokeFan said:
Guys I want to apologize for saying our offensive talent was FCS level. That was a real insult....to FCS levels. It’s actually more on par with Division III talent.

A you think it’s got nothing to do with coaches? Okay dude
Dankohner said:
It is sad when I can look at a game and know before the kickoff that we will loose. Vander Waal needs to go! He has no business being anywhere near a football field. Inept does not begin to describe just how horrible he is. Change needs to happen in a hurry.

On the other side of the ball, Fresno St. receivers were wide open way too many times. While the defense did keep us is the game much of the first half, the pass defense needs to get much better!

We held them to 10 in the first half and 27 overall. Even with a run of the mill bad offense we would have been right in the game. The best d is a good offense!
LanderPoke said:
SDPokeFan said:
Guys I want to apologize for saying our offensive talent was FCS level. That was a real insult....to FCS levels. It’s actually more on par with Division III talent.

A you think it’s got nothing to do with coaches? Okay dude
Yah Vigen sucks but if you watched the game you saw linemen who are in over their head, unathletic receivers who cannot get open and aquarterback who predetermines where he is going to throw a pass in pregame warmups.
SDPokeFan said:
LanderPoke said:
SDPokeFan said:
Guys I want to apologize for saying our offensive talent was FCS level. That was a real insult....to FCS levels. It’s actually more on par with Division III talent.

A you think it’s got nothing to do with coaches? Okay dude
Yah Vigen sucks but if you watched the game you saw linemen who are in over their head, unathletic receivers who cannot get open and aquarterback who predetermines where he is going to throw a pass in pregame warmups.
i think you are way underestimating how easy we’ve made it for defenses by being hyper predictable
The bowl eligible No how no way, unless we see night and day improvements here on out, like the old saying goes This is Wyoming, wait til next year
LanderPoke said:
SDPokeFan said:
LanderPoke said:
SDPokeFan said:
Guys I want to apologize for saying our offensive talent was FCS level. That was a real insult....to FCS levels. It’s actually more on par with Division III talent.

A you think it’s got nothing to do with coaches? Okay dude
Yah Vigen sucks but if you watched the game you saw linemen who are in over their head, unathletic receivers who cannot get open and aquarterback who predetermines where he is going to throw a pass in pregame warmups.
i think you are way underestimating how easy we’ve made it for defenses by being hyper predictable

agreed. its difficult to evaluate wrs when all they are allowed to do is run 5 yds and either cut to sideljne or tirn around. they know the dbs are jumping routes and coming. also tough on the rest of the team when the defense knows what is coming every play. fresno showed no respect for anything deep, over the middle, or double moves. hyper predictable may be an understatement
phxpoke said:
Wyo2dal said:
It's very very hard to watch this team this year. Our offense or lack thereof is so predictable everyone knows exactly what's coming on 1st and 2nd down for the entire game.

Basketball season can't come soon enough.
Honestly, will that be any better?

I don’t think we’ll be very good in bb either.
seattlecowboy said:
CasparMilquetoast said:
Do you think that Bohl knew before the season that this was going to be a rough year and that he told Burman this before they played their first game?

I don't think so. Bohl stated at the start of the year this was his best team yet at Wyoming. After that dominating performance by the Wyoming defense the 1st game over that high school team we beat New Mexico St., Bohl probably was thinking we were set up for a great year.
Hell, we're in no position to insult NMS. While we did beat them, they'll end up with a better record than us and after game one, they've been figuring out how to score, averaging 27 points since then.
cowboyz said:
seattlecowboy said:
CasparMilquetoast said:
Do you think that Bohl knew before the season that this was going to be a rough year and that he told Burman this before they played their first game?

I don't think so. Bohl stated at the start of the year this was his best team yet at Wyoming. After that dominating performance by the Wyoming defense the 1st game over that high school team we beat New Mexico St., Bohl probably was thinking we were set up for a great year.
Hell, we're in no position to insult NMS. While we did beat them, they'll end up with a better record than us and after game one, they've been figuring out how to score, averaging 27 points since then.
That’s coaching. We have so many more resources, but they get more out of their players. Embarrassin
cowboyz said:
seattlecowboy said:
CasparMilquetoast said:
Do you think that Bohl knew before the season that this was going to be a rough year and that he told Burman this before they played their first game?

I don't think so. Bohl stated at the start of the year this was his best team yet at Wyoming. After that dominating performance by the Wyoming defense the 1st game over that high school team we beat New Mexico St., Bohl probably was thinking we were set up for a great year.
Hell, we're in no position to insult NMS. While we did beat them, they'll end up with a better record than us and after game one, they've been figuring out how to score, averaging 27 points since then.

I'm not trying to insult NMS, my point was that we beat them only because they are so terrible. We are not much better. They actually have a more diverse offense than we do. Only reason we beat them is because Bohl ball worked against them because we can actually over power them. Bohl is too stupid to realize that crap won't work against more than half of the teams on our schedule yearly. I wish we ran an offense like NMS runs to be honest.
BackHarlowRoad said:
Wyo2dal said:
phxpoke said:
Wyo2dal said:
It's very very hard to watch this team this year. Our offense or lack thereof is so predictable everyone knows exactly what's coming on 1st and 2nd down for the entire game.

Basketball season can't come soon enough.
Honestly, will that be any better?

It can't be any worse and it'll be different for at least a couple games. We know exactly how this Football season will end. We'll squeak out just enough wins to be bottom of the FBS bowl eligible and somehow it'll get praise for turning around a disastrous season.

You're drunk if you think we'll get bowl eligible.

I guess I was drunk....