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Wyo @ Fresno Game Thread

307bball said:
I wonder if this is a practice/training issue. You can be successful as a pro style run first team but you can't just be awful at all the little things like we are.
This is a talent issue or should I say lack of.
307bball said:
I wonder if this is a practice/training issue. You can be successful as a pro style run first team but you can't just be awful at all the little things like we are.

This is what is suprising
phxpoke said:
Do you guys think Bohl senses the frustration of the fan base? Does the typical fan out there feel like we do on Wyonation!?

Bohl doesn't care what the fans think to be honest. He has been around long enough that he could care less what a fan base thinks. He is going to do it his way which of course will not work at a school like Wyoming as we all have seen multiple times now and 4 out of 5 years.
Honestly, does anybody think we'd be THAT much better with Josh Allen? Receivers would still be dropping the balls, he'd still be running for his life, and we'd still be just as predictable.

Maybe we beat Hawai'i with Josh scrambling for a few extra first downs, but we certainly wouldn't be in this game.
I picked Fresno to win by 24 on the spread prediction thread. We are at that now, looks like I didn't guess near enough.
Counting the hours until Bohl's press conference in Laramie on Monday so I can hear Robert Gagliardi lob some more meaningless and irrelevant softball questions to the old ball coach.
seattlecowboy said:
phxpoke said:
Do you guys think Bohl senses the frustration of the fan base? Does the typical fan out there feel like we do on Wyonation!?

Bohl doesn't care what the fans think to be honest. He has been around long enough that he could care less what a fan base thinks. He is going to do it his way which of course will not work at a school like Wyoming as we all have seen multiple times now and 4 out of 5 years.

His bosses care. He has some serious questions to answer. The next home game attendance will be telling.
seattlecowboy said:
phxpoke said:
Do you guys think Bohl senses the frustration of the fan base? Does the typical fan out there feel like we do on Wyonation!?

Bohl doesn't care what the fans think to be honest. He has been around long enough that he could care less what a fan base thinks. He is going to do it his way which of course will not work at a school like Wyoming as we all have seen multiple times now and 4 out of 5 years.

Yea, why would he care? One way or the other he has many millions of dollars coming to him from UW. The program reeks of a lack of accountability from the top down.
Asmodeanreborn said:
Honestly, does anybody think we'd be THAT much better with Josh Allen? Receivers would still be dropping the balls, he'd still be running for his life, and we'd still be just as predictable.

Maybe we beat Hawai'i with Josh scrambling for a few extra first downs, but we certainly wouldn't be in this game.

No one but Dino thinks that. This offensive staff has a way of making each player worse
Speaking of Conway the announcer said: "And Conway said, you know, this isn't for me, I'm going to go and play football."

He forgot to mention that Conway was suspended for doing drugs while playing basketball.
I remember one of the threads a couple weeks ago where someone predicted the offense wouldn't score 100 points total in all the games combined the rest of the season. We are now 2 or 3 games since then, and that prediction seems to be spot on