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I am getting RIPPED on gowyogo!


Well-known member
Not that it is a shocker, but a close friend of mine (who is a paying member) told me I was called out a couple of times, by some regular posters there! Unreal, I thought I was clear when I said there was no bad blood, and that it is time to move on! That, and he said (that they wrote) we were constantly dropping the F-Bomb, etc., which was a laugher as well...I have seen it once (and it WAS me, which I edited because it was not appropriate).

Like I said last week...GWG is what it is...there are no bad feelings, I was just very frustrated the afternoon the plug was pulled. Again, we are all UW fans...that is what is important...not which message board you post to, or what you believe is the best message board, etc.

If they continually want to throw me under the bus, I guess that shows alot about them. I have really enjoyed WyoNation, just like I really enjoyed GWG. I am here now, and thankful the moderators put in the time (just like Ian does/did at GWG) to make this a great site to talk UW with UW fans!
That sucks that there is still bad blood and negativity between the boards. I hold no grudges. I was upset the day Ian cut us "riff-raff" off, but not because of the change, rather the apruptness of it.

I am glad that WyoNation was here and I am able to continue ranting, and offering my insights (valuable or not - LOL) We are all Pokes fans and as far as I am concerned the more the merrier over here and that includes any GWG guys that want to post on both places or come over here full time!
Gentlemen. We would like to keep the threads about other message boards off the Football Forum. We have no problem with them, but they should be on the Smack Forum. The Admin and Moderators have no animosity toward the GoWyoGo board and would like to keep a civil relationship with them. This thread will be moved to the Smack Forum.
Sorry, no prob...that will be my last post that is...actually...irrelevant to EVERYTHING UW athletics, and only relevent to the situation from last week.
Dont worry about it. Have you seen the retarded shit that DCPOKE has posted as of late? Read the "FIre Glenn, not so fast" thread. The man has lost his freaking marbles. Step away from the Kool-Aid DCPOKE. The first step is to admit that this team sucks and Glenn is the leader of this abortion he calls a football team. What fantasy land does he live in that makes him believe that the offense we now have will suddenly be able to pull a rabbit out of their asses and become, lets say, an offense? My suggestion, put away the crack pipe and maybe switch to meth.

If any of the white nutsack fellows on GWG wish to place any money on us suddenly getting an offense and Glenn keeping his job, come on over here and put up with cash.
pokefan69 said:
Dont worry about it. Have you seen the retarded s##t that DCPOKE has posted as of late? Read the "FIre Glenn, not so fast" thread. The man has lost his freaking marbles. Step away from the Kool-Aid DCPOKE. The first step is to admit that this team sucks and Glenn is the leader of this abortion he calls a football team. What fantasy land does he live in that makes him believe that the offense we now have will suddenly be able to pull a rabbit out of their asses and become, lets say, an offense? My suggestion, put away the crack pipe and maybe switch to meth.

If any of the white nutsack fellows on GWG wish to place any money on us suddenly getting an offense and Glenn keeping his job, come on over here and put up with cash.
DC Poke is a tool and a hypocrite. If you ever go to opposing fans message boards before we play them he's always there sucking up to their fans. He tries to portray himself as the Wyoming information guru and chamber of commerce tour guide. Half the bars and restaurants he promotes in Laramie haven't been in business in twenty years. He ends up embarrassing our state and just annoying other fans and can't take a hint when they very subtly ask him to leave. The dudes out of touch and he belongs on the east coast. And by the way, Crystal City Sports Bar sucks. Arlington sucks for that matter. There's a ton of better sports bars in D.C. but he has to promote that one because they put up with him.
The hypocrisy of his support for "charging to post" on GWG is that he would never be able to post on our opponents web sites if they supported the same lame-ass policy as GWG.
When you leave message boards, people who are on those message boards can end up being full of it and I have been down that road before. The best thing to do is not talk about boards like that on different boards...just leave that board behind for good if that is your goal.
McPeachy, let them talk bro. You and I both know that site is slowly moving in the wrong direction. Especially now that this site is beginning to take off.

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