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Thread on MWC Board


I always thought the MWC Board was living on the edge, but I think this thread might have put it over the edge.


Can't wait for football season to start!
Man, I'm glad I don't ever go to the MWC Boards anymore.

and I thought Rebel Robert was a pain in the ass.

I guarantee you 99.99% of all of those realignment scenarios will never happen.
Wyokie said:
Man, I'm glad I don't ever go to the MWC Boards anymore.

and I thought Rebel Robert was a pain in the ass.

I guarantee you 99.99% of all of those realignment scenarios will never happen.

Reading that board is like going back to Jr. High School. :?
The MWCBoard can be pretty entertaining I have to admit. I enjoy mixing it up with some of the guys over there, although the expansion stuff gets really old really fast.
You guys should have seen the ESPN "discussion" during the New Mexico bowl!! I have to say that the Fresno St. fans are arrogant idiots! There were a lot Wyoming fans there too, but I think most of them were saying "hope it's a good game, i think we got a shot". The Fresno fans basically didn't even need to watch the game because their "stud" RB was going to destroy us.
laxwyo said:
You guys should have seen the ESPN "discussion" during the New Mexico bowl!! I have to say that the Fresno St. fans are arrogant idiots! There were a lot Wyoming fans there too, but I think most of them were saying "hope it's a good game, i think we got a shot". The Fresno fans basically didn't even need to watch the game because their "stud" RB was going to destroy us.
Pretty much how it was on the MWC board. Then, after the game, a good majority have not been seen since.
i'm starting to think EPS == the Moose. Similar posting style. Shifts back and forth on a subject. Try's to suck people into a thread, then out of nowhere creates a new thread every other day just to annoy people and then disappears for a while. Try's to offend one minute and try's to play nice the next.
wyobrandon said:
i'm starting to think EPS == the Moose. Similar posting style. Shifts back and forth on a subject. Try's to suck people into a thread, then out of nowhere creates a new thread every other day just to annoy people and then disappears for a while. Try's to offend one minute and try's to play nice the next.

Interesting that you bring up EPS. What a douche. I had all but forgotten about him. :lol:

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