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Poke-proud wrote:Obamacare is a mess with many insurance companies losing money and dropping participation in the program.
This statement alone should end the Obamacare argument for anyone that isn't on mommy & daddy's insurance, is employed, and lives in Wyoming. It is a major, MAJOR travesty what that healthcare "plan" has done to middle class Wyoming who isn't sucking on the government teet.
Dear Karma,

I have a list of people you missed...
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McPeachy wrote:
Poke-proud wrote:Obamacare is a mess with many insurance companies losing money and dropping participation in the program.
This statement alone should end the Obamacare argument for anyone that isn't on mommy & daddy's insurance, is employed, and lives in Wyoming. It is a major, MAJOR travesty what that healthcare "plan" has done to middle class Wyoming who isn't sucking on the government teet.
Yes, yes, yes, yes. Anyone who defends this heinous bull poop is either on Medicaid, Medicare, lucky enough to have a great employer who has taken it up the butt and still covers them and their families, or is on mommy's plan still. All it does is screw those who work. They should have just expanded medicaid if they were going to make drastic changes.
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fromolwyoming wrote:
Poke-proud wrote:
fromolwyoming wrote:
Poke-proud wrote:
McPeachy wrote:
WestWYOPoke wrote:
McPeachy wrote: Further, will the excuse of "cleaning up a previous administrations poop" be afforded Trump & his cabinet, when looking at his scope of work, as to why he may / may not be effective in office (if that can even be measured any longer)? You know...he is following 8 years of Obama, he can't possibly fix "the mess" in 4 years, right? Oh my. LOL!
Unemployment at its lowest rate in decades, stock market at an all-time high, gasoline cheaper than it was for the last 10 years, no true ongoing wars (I.E. excessive numbers of troops on the ground), GDP growth significantly increased...yeah, he really burned this country to the ground.

And before you throw out the whole US debt argument, he didn't increase it (as a percentage) nearly as much as Bush 2 did.

In all seriousness, I am not a huge fan of Obamacare either, it doesn't affect me much, but there are others that it hurts, so if some changes can occur I'm all for it as I think everyone needs access to health insurance. I personally am of the mind that insurance companies should not be allowed to turn a profit.

And no, I am not a Democrat
That's what I am talking about. Great response, and post.

Although I would counter by saying right off the top of my head, that during the Obama tenure the USA also suffered through some of the highest gas prices ever on record.

I was not / am not a fan of either candidate (and can't believe a country of more than 300 million people had these 2 choices)...and although a republican, have voted democrat numerous times (especially when it came to some past Wyoming governors).
It's really not too difficult to figure out. We are tired of the establishment in Washington. Trump brings a refreshing change when he says he's going to drain the swamp. Whether he does remains to be seen, but personally Im tired of "Mr Smith going to Washington" and doing nothing. Here's a question, other than ego, why does Trump need the job - he makes more in a few weeks than what the job will pay, he doesn't need Air Force one - he has a jet, he has nice homes in many places so it isn't living in the White House, and he has access to many nice golf courses - he owns them. Could it be that he really believes he can make America great again!!!

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Your tired of the "establishment" and the guy you elected brings on some of the most establishment people in the GOP he can.
"Drain the swamp" when he''s helped fill it up. He's paid bribes, not paid anything in Federal Taxes in 20 years, businesses that he hired, he refused to pay them their dues and threatened to tie them up in court, and cost thousands of people their jobs. And that's not even getting into how he drove his (his father's) company into bankruptcy, 6 separate times.

As for your last part, that's actually pretty easy. It's to sell his brand. He's been doing that schtick since at least the 90s. This time, he just took it to politics. Commercials, guest appearances, The Apprentice, etc, was all to sell his brand. Even then, he could be doing it for what he perceives as a step up in power. And considering his background...

And already, he's backpedaling on several of the things people voted him in for. He's not gonna bury Obamacare, he's now iffy on prosecuting Clinton, and rather than unite people, he's brought in one of the most divisive people he could for his inner circle, short of David Duke himself.

So, yeah. There are plenty of issues with Trump, past and present. And that's not even touching on his surprise that minorities would feel threatened by the rhetoric he used since day 1.
So many thing wrong with your post.

To start he won - you lose. Cry or get over it.

I'll start with the simple ones - your gal, Hillary, George Soros puppet, lying corrupt 30 year "established" person. You go with that.

It would be a bit naive to believe anyone would go into a presidency and not have some people that understand the establishment. That said, which office was it Reince Preibus held, hmmmm was it in Congress or the Senate. Maybe you can answer that.

Again, you can't get much more establishment than 30 years of ole Hillbilly. How much would you trust her to have your back in Benghazi? But, "what difference does it make, there are 4 dead Americans"?

On to Trumps taxes. So do you take advantage of tax deductions available to you? Silly question, no why would you - that would be hypocritical, now wouldn't it. Did he do anything illegal. Wasn't it the law that he and any other business uses? Even George Soros someone you probably admire. Additionally, isn't any good business going to limit/reduce any cost they would pay, even tax? Oh forgot, except for yours - you would find ways to pay more I suppose. Your argument there is naive.

Here's the real tale, again defend this;

62.8%: Labor Force Participation Has Hovered Near 37-Year low,
63.7 Homeownership rate lowest in 25 years
13 million more Americans have become dependent on food stamps, with the numbers now hitting a record 47 million — about a third more than when he was sworn in. In 2007, there were 26 million recipients,
Unemployment rate of over 10% (double that for blacks under Obama) Unemployment rate for black teens is 3X worse at 31.5%,
The poverty rate for blacks increased from 12 percent in 2008 to 16.1 percent,
Median income down 3.6 percent for white households and fell 10.9 percent for black households,
Obamacare is a mess with many insurance companies losing money and dropping participation in the program

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That you think Clinton is "my girl" is a good start to how much you and others have been listening. I viewed her in an only slightly brighter light than Trump. Neither were my candidates. Anyone that I would have liked, got done in in the primaries.

Do I think there needs to be change at the top? Yep. Is Trump the guy?


And had it been any other rich person not paying taxes like the common person, you would be up in arms about it.
Any other rich person doesn't pay anymore tax than they have to. That's the point. And think about why that is, because those in Washington can't be trusted with it. Like $500 billion to Iran (ransom money). How about the bailout and all those "shovel ready" jobs, $20 - $40 billion.
http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/the-my ... obs-again/

And how about our tax money paying to rebuild mosques overseas.

http://www.wsbtv.com/news/mosque-makeov ... /241581347

Hell, I don't want the taxes I pay going to these things.

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CowboyNV wrote:
fromolwyoming wrote:
Poke-proud wrote:
McPeachy wrote:
WestWYOPoke wrote:
McPeachy wrote: Further, will the excuse of "cleaning up a previous administrations poop" be afforded Trump & his cabinet, when looking at his scope of work, as to why he may / may not be effective in office (if that can even be measured any longer)? You know...he is following 8 years of Obama, he can't possibly fix "the mess" in 4 years, right? Oh my. LOL!
Unemployment at its lowest rate in decades, stock market at an all-time high, gasoline cheaper than it was for the last 10 years, no true ongoing wars (I.E. excessive numbers of troops on the ground), GDP growth significantly increased...yeah, he really burned this country to the ground.

And before you throw out the whole US debt argument, he didn't increase it (as a percentage) nearly as much as Bush 2 did.

In all seriousness, I am not a huge fan of Obamacare either, it doesn't affect me much, but there are others that it hurts, so if some changes can occur I'm all for it as I think everyone needs access to health insurance. I personally am of the mind that insurance companies should not be allowed to turn a profit.

And no, I am not a Democrat
That's what I am talking about. Great response, and post.

Although I would counter by saying right off the top of my head, that during the Obama tenure the USA also suffered through some of the highest gas prices ever on record.

I was not / am not a fan of either candidate (and can't believe a country of more than 300 million people had these 2 choices)...and although a republican, have voted democrat numerous times (especially when it came to some past Wyoming governors).
It's really not too difficult to figure out. We are tired of the establishment in Washington. Trump brings a refreshing change when he says he's going to drain the swamp. Whether he does remains to be seen, but personally Im tired of "Mr Smith going to Washington" and doing nothing. Here's a question, other than ego, why does Trump need the job - he makes more in a few weeks than what the job will pay, he doesn't need Air Force one - he has a jet, he has nice homes in many places so it isn't living in the White House, and he has access to many nice golf courses - he owns them. Could it be that he really believes he can make America great again!!!

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Your tired of the "establishment" and the guy you elected brings on some of the most establishment people in the GOP he can.
"Drain the swamp" when he''s helped fill it up. He's paid bribes, not paid anything in Federal Taxes in 20 years, businesses that he hired, he refused to pay them their dues and threatened to tie them up in court, and cost thousands of people their jobs. And that's not even getting into how he drove his (his father's) company into bankruptcy, 6 separate times.

As for your last part, that's actually pretty easy. It's to sell his brand. He's been doing that schtick since at least the 90s. This time, he just took it to politics. Commercials, guest appearances, The Apprentice, etc, was all to sell his brand. Even then, he could be doing it for what he perceives as a step up in power. And considering his background...

And already, he's backpedaling on several of the things people voted him in for. He's not gonna bury Obamacare, he's now iffy on prosecuting Clinton, and rather than unite people, he's brought in one of the most divisive people he could for his inner circle, short of David Duke himself.

So, yeah. There are plenty of issues with Trump, past and present. And that's not even touching on his surprise that minorities would feel threatened by the rhetoric he used since day 1.
Well put Fromolwyoming.

One other thing that just baffles me in this post election debate - poke-proud states he is tired of the establishment in Washington. I will simply ask him one question. Did you, poke-proud, vote for any incumbent in this election (either the house or senate race in the state you reside)? Because if you did, then you are just as responsible as anyone for the problem in Washington. I have no problem putting in a maverick like Trump in office, but I do have a problem with not giving him the tools to be successful. You want him to drain the swamp, yet so many of you voted the same scum that pollute the swamp back into office. Can any of you guys who voted based on that premise explain to me why you also voted to keep the status quo in DC?
No, actually none were up for re-election. I have gone on record that I will not vote for Barasso, and am all for term limits.

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WestWYOPoke wrote:
Cosmic Cowboy wrote:I think it should be fair game to protest either of the TWO MOST HATED CANDIDATES OF ALL TIME. I mean do I even need to repeat that? Our "democracy" is ruled by only the most elite f-word. Doesn't it ever strike anyone that someone who isn't filthy f-word rich or connected to that class can't be president? It's a swamp alright and it's always gonna be filled with crocodiles. Heard Bernie Sanders tax return came in and showed almost 200 K, thanks for sabotaging that guy Hilldawg :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: That's the last thing I needed was someone even remotely close to my class status having A SHOT at any real power in this country.

But...but...but...he wants socialized healthcare, so he's basically a socialist, and socialism is kinda related to communism, so he's basically a communist, and communists are the devil, ipso facto, he's basically the devil...right...right???
Isn't insurance / health insurance basically socialism on some level? :)

I've always leaned republican. This year I do think the best candidate was Bernie. We needed to shake this system up a bit. Trump might do it for all I know.
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Isn't insurance / health insurance basically socialism on some level? :)

I've always leaned republican. This year I do think the best candidate was Bernie. We needed to shake this system up a bit. Trump might do it for all I know.[/quote]

Bernie's a mess. He only got votes because of all the free poop he wanted to give away. That guy is from another, planet - yet to be named.

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LanderPoke wrote:
Poke-proud wrote:
WestWYOPoke wrote:
McPeachy wrote: Further, will the excuse of "cleaning up a previous administrations poop" be afforded Trump & his cabinet, when looking at his scope of work, as to why he may / may not be effective in office (if that can even be measured any longer)? You know...he is following 8 years of Obama, he can't possibly fix "the mess" in 4 years, right? Oh my. LOL!
Unemployment at its lowest rate in decades, stock market at an all-time high, gasoline cheaper than it was for the last 10 years, no true ongoing wars (I.E. excessive numbers of troops on the ground), GDP growth significantly increased...yeah, he really burned this country to the ground.

And before you throw out the whole US debt argument, he didn't increase it (as a percentage) nearly as much as Bush 2 did.

In all seriousness, I am not a huge fan of Obamacare either, it doesn't affect me much, but there are others that it hurts, so if some changes can occur I'm all for it as I think everyone needs access to health insurance. I personally am of the mind that insurance companies should not be allowed to turn a profit.

And no, I am not a Democrat
Here's Obamas numbers, not really so good.

62.8%: Labor Force Participation Has Hovered Near 37-Year low,
63.7 Homeownership rate lowest in 25 years
13 million more Americans have become dependent on food stamps, with the numbers now hitting a record 47 million — about a third more than when he was sworn in. In 2007, there were 26 million recipients,
Unemployment rate of over 10% (double that for blacks under Obama) Unemployment rate for black teens is 3X worse at 31.5%,
The poverty rate for blacks increased from 12 percent in 2008 to 16.1 percent,
Median income down 3.6 percent for white households and fell 10.9 percent for black households,
Obamacare is a mess with many insurance companies losing money and dropping participation in the program

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+1. This doesn't bother you Obama and Hillary supporters? We (the middle class) are poorer. More people that don't work are taking your hard-earned money while you go to work every day. Food stamp recipients have sky rocketed. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd like $600 extra bucks to buy food with per month.

I'm tired of supporting people that don't need or deserve it. Encouraging charitable giving should be a bigger thing. This is coming from a guys that gives a lot to charity.

Take a look at the numbers in the last 30 years for the top 0.1% and 1%. They have increased hundreds of fold. The middle and lower classes are falling apart. Probably because the wealth is getting collected at the top.
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WyoBrandX wrote:
LanderPoke wrote:
Poke-proud wrote:
WestWYOPoke wrote:
McPeachy wrote: Further, will the excuse of "cleaning up a previous administrations poop" be afforded Trump & his cabinet, when looking at his scope of work, as to why he may / may not be effective in office (if that can even be measured any longer)? You know...he is following 8 years of Obama, he can't possibly fix "the mess" in 4 years, right? Oh my. LOL!
Unemployment at its lowest rate in decades, stock market at an all-time high, gasoline cheaper than it was for the last 10 years, no true ongoing wars (I.E. excessive numbers of troops on the ground), GDP growth significantly increased...yeah, he really burned this country to the ground.

And before you throw out the whole US debt argument, he didn't increase it (as a percentage) nearly as much as Bush 2 did.

In all seriousness, I am not a huge fan of Obamacare either, it doesn't affect me much, but there are others that it hurts, so if some changes can occur I'm all for it as I think everyone needs access to health insurance. I personally am of the mind that insurance companies should not be allowed to turn a profit.

And no, I am not a Democrat
Here's Obamas numbers, not really so good.

62.8%: Labor Force Participation Has Hovered Near 37-Year low,
63.7 Homeownership rate lowest in 25 years
13 million more Americans have become dependent on food stamps, with the numbers now hitting a record 47 million — about a third more than when he was sworn in. In 2007, there were 26 million recipients,
Unemployment rate of over 10% (double that for blacks under Obama) Unemployment rate for black teens is 3X worse at 31.5%,
The poverty rate for blacks increased from 12 percent in 2008 to 16.1 percent,
Median income down 3.6 percent for white households and fell 10.9 percent for black households,
Obamacare is a mess with many insurance companies losing money and dropping participation in the program

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
+1. This doesn't bother you Obama and Hillary supporters? We (the middle class) are poorer. More people that don't work are taking your hard-earned money while you go to work every day. Food stamp recipients have sky rocketed. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd like $600 extra bucks to buy food with per month.

I'm tired of supporting people that don't need or deserve it. Encouraging charitable giving should be a bigger thing. This is coming from a guys that gives a lot to charity.

Take a look at the numbers in the last 30 years for the top 0.1% and 1%. They have increased hundreds of fold. The middle and lower classes are falling apart. Probably because the wealth is getting collected at the top.
They are the ones who in many cases, gambled everything that had to build their business/wealth.

I for one don't have "class" envy for those that built wealth. More power to them.

And you or I neither one have a right to their money.

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Poke-proud wrote:
WyoBrandX wrote:
LanderPoke wrote:
Poke-proud wrote:
WestWYOPoke wrote:
McPeachy wrote: Further, will the excuse of "cleaning up a previous administrations poop" be afforded Trump & his cabinet, when looking at his scope of work, as to why he may / may not be effective in office (if that can even be measured any longer)? You know...he is following 8 years of Obama, he can't possibly fix "the mess" in 4 years, right? Oh my. LOL!
Unemployment at its lowest rate in decades, stock market at an all-time high, gasoline cheaper than it was for the last 10 years, no true ongoing wars (I.E. excessive numbers of troops on the ground), GDP growth significantly increased...yeah, he really burned this country to the ground.

And before you throw out the whole US debt argument, he didn't increase it (as a percentage) nearly as much as Bush 2 did.

In all seriousness, I am not a huge fan of Obamacare either, it doesn't affect me much, but there are others that it hurts, so if some changes can occur I'm all for it as I think everyone needs access to health insurance. I personally am of the mind that insurance companies should not be allowed to turn a profit.

And no, I am not a Democrat
Here's Obamas numbers, not really so good.

62.8%: Labor Force Participation Has Hovered Near 37-Year low,
63.7 Homeownership rate lowest in 25 years
13 million more Americans have become dependent on food stamps, with the numbers now hitting a record 47 million — about a third more than when he was sworn in. In 2007, there were 26 million recipients,
Unemployment rate of over 10% (double that for blacks under Obama) Unemployment rate for black teens is 3X worse at 31.5%,
The poverty rate for blacks increased from 12 percent in 2008 to 16.1 percent,
Median income down 3.6 percent for white households and fell 10.9 percent for black households,
Obamacare is a mess with many insurance companies losing money and dropping participation in the program

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
+1. This doesn't bother you Obama and Hillary supporters? We (the middle class) are poorer. More people that don't work are taking your hard-earned money while you go to work every day. Food stamp recipients have sky rocketed. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd like $600 extra bucks to buy food with per month.

I'm tired of supporting people that don't need or deserve it. Encouraging charitable giving should be a bigger thing. This is coming from a guys that gives a lot to charity.

Take a look at the numbers in the last 30 years for the top 0.1% and 1%. They have increased hundreds of fold. The middle and lower classes are falling apart. Probably because the wealth is getting collected at the top.
They are the ones who in many cases, gambled everything that had to build their business/wealth. Note 11

I for one don't have "class" envy for those that built wealth. More power to them.

And you or I neither one have a right to their money. Note 2

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They didn't necessarily gamble everything. They often times received huge incentives from taxpayers to bring their businesses into a community. Cabellas is one of the worst examples of this. Every time they setup a store, they want to not pay taxes, they want free land, and they will pin towns, counties, and states against each other to get the best deal. The taxpayer often loses this battle.

GW Bush did the same thing with the Texas Rangers.

We have as much right to their money as they do ours. This is via taxes and it has to be fair and equal to everyone.

In this history of this country, we have to watch out for the most important thing. This country provides alot of resources its people. It Provides alot for people that desire to jump to the next level. It provides resources for the person that relaxes and thinks what he thinks.

What is important is we provide opportunities to people that need them. Nobody should suffer. We can make that happen. Its not easy. Greed is a bitch but nobody relies on the government to make things happen.
The best thing I can say is - work hard! You'll do your best - there is no reason to submit. Good Luck my Friend!
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Take a look at the numbers in the last 30 years for the top 0.1% and 1%. They have increased hundreds of fold. The middle and lower classes are falling apart. Probably because the wealth is getting collected at the top.[/quote]
They are the ones who in many cases, gambled everything that had to build their business/wealth. Note 11

I for one don't have "class" envy for those that built wealth. More power to them.

And you or I neither one have a right to their money. Note 2

They didn't necessarily gamble everything. They often times received huge incentives from taxpayers to bring their businesses into a community. Cabellas is one of the worst examples of this. Every time they setup a store, they want to not pay taxes, they want free land, and they will pin towns, counties, and states against each other to get the best deal. The taxpayer often loses this battle.

GW Bush did the same thing with the Texas Rangers.

We have as much right to their money as they do ours. This is via taxes [/quote]

At one point do people pay enough in taxes? I don't agree, and to say many didn't gamble everything and we have a right to tax them "whatever" is no different than theft IMO.

Again, why should any of a US taxpayers money go to Iran? Or why should it go to repair Mosques in Egypt.? I have a problem with that. Again, most people are in prison for doing what Obama has done with the mis-appropriation or spending of the taxpayers money. It's amazing to me you don't have an issue with the billions given to Iran! And for what? I'm sure you won't answer that - because intellectually there isn't an answer.

I am seeing your point with companies such as Cabellas, and now I am so damned outraged. I mean really!! Just think, if there wasn't a Cabellas store to build, as an example, there wouldn't be a need for the concrete contractors needed for the foundation and floor. And if there weren't a cement contractor there wouldnt be a need for a ready mix co, nor the folks that mine and bag the concrete, not to mention the electrical contractor. And with out the electrical contractor then they're wouldn't be a need for people to make wire, bulbs fixtures, etc. there wouldn't be a need for the folks that build the merchandising racks, stone work. Nor would there be a need for plumbers, tile layers. Yep I'm so damn angry at Cabellas. The nerve of them to employ people in a small town such as Sidney Nebraska. Then there's all the people that need to be employed to make the goods sold in the store. Yep I'm with you there.

And just think, there's probably other corporations out there doing the very same thing. We would be so much better off with these corporations - providing all this employment.

Makes perfect sense to me of why Nebraska wouldn't want to incentivize them...................
A Real Cowboy
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Poke-proud wrote:Take a look at the numbers in the last 30 years for the top 0.1% and 1%. They have increased hundreds of fold. The middle and lower classes are falling apart. Probably because the wealth is getting collected at the top.
They are the ones who in many cases, gambled everything that had to build their business/wealth. Note 11

I for one don't have "class" envy for those that built wealth. More power to them.

And you or I neither one have a right to their money. Note 2

They didn't necessarily gamble everything. They often times received huge incentives from taxpayers to bring their businesses into a community. Cabellas is one of the worst examples of this. Every time they setup a store, they want to not pay taxes, they want free land, and they will pin towns, counties, and states against each other to get the best deal. The taxpayer often loses this battle.

GW Bush did the same thing with the Texas Rangers.

We have as much right to their money as they do ours. This is via taxes [/quote]

At one point do people pay enough in taxes? I don't agree, and to say many didn't gamble everything and we have a right to tax them "whatever" is no different than theft IMO.

Again, why should any of a US taxpayers money go to Iran? Or why should it go to repair Mosques in Egypt.? I have a problem with that. Again, most people are in prison for doing what Obama has done with the mis-appropriation or spending of the taxpayers money. It's amazing to me you don't have an issue with the billions given to Iran! And for what? I'm sure you won't answer that - because intellectually there isn't an answer.

I am seeing your point with companies such as Cabellas, and now I am so damned outraged. I mean really!! Just think, if there wasn't a Cabellas store to build, as an example, there wouldn't be a need for the concrete contractors needed for the foundation and floor. And if there weren't a cement contractor there wouldnt be a need for a ready mix co, nor the folks that mine and bag the concrete, not to mention the electrical contractor. And with out the electrical contractor then they're wouldn't be a need for people to make wire, bulbs fixtures, etc. there wouldn't be a need for the folks that build the merchandising racks, stone work. Nor would there be a need for plumbers, tile layers. Yep I'm so damn angry at Cabellas. The nerve of them to employ people in a small town such as Sidney Nebraska. Then there's all the people that need to be employed to make the goods sold in the store. Yep I'm with you there.

And just think, there's probably other corporations out there doing the very same thing. We would be so much better off with these corporations - providing all this employment.

Makes perfect sense to me of why Nebraska wouldn't want to incentivize them...................[/quote]
Okay. I didn't say anything about Iran. I see your point though.

I'm a small business owner. Just like many of the companies that Cabellas will run out of town - while funded by taxpayer money. I started my company on the cash I have. I didn't get any 'incentives' from the local economic authority or state funds.

In fact, if I could probably get a bunch of these local economic authorities to give me some money. I might be able to get them to compete against each other to have my presence available. That helps my bottom line. The problem is its a direct transfer from the taxpayer to the company's profit margin. That should never happen.

I'm a big fan of small business incentives. Unfortunately,these big businesses have gotten out of control.
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Okay. I didn't say anything about Iran. I see your point though.[/quote]

You're correct, you didn't say anything about Iran! I did - because it illustrates my point perfectly.

How likely are you to take your tax check over and give it to Iran? Or to fund the rebuilding of an Egyptian Mosque? Ain't happening for me. But guess what, I don't get a say in it. That's where some of my tax money went, because good "ole Barry" sent it there.

Perfectly states my point - why would I send "good money after bad"!?

Washington DC doesn't know how to effectively manage money. Guess what, I've paid into social security for 50 years and I'll be lucky to get a dime. In the private sector this is a "ponzi scheme" and people are sent to prison.

You want to "rob more tax money" - for what?.........

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Poke-proud wrote:
Washington DC doesn't know how to effectively manage money. Guess what, I've paid into social security for 50 years and I'll be lucky to get a dime. In the private sector this is a "ponzi scheme" and people are sent to prison.

You want to "rob more tax money" - for what?.........

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If you have paid into Social Security for 50 years as you say, that would put you very close to 65 years of age. If that is the case, then saying you won't collect a dime is disingenuous at best. The very programs you rail against (Social Security and Medicare), you will be enjoying in the near future (if you aren't already).

As far as the money sent to Iran, a few facts to help you out here. There was this issue with $400 million that Iran in the late 1970s had paid for U.S. fighter jets, while Tehran was still a U.S. ally. After it turned into an enemy in 1979, Washington was not about to deliver the jets. But, all these years later, Iran wanted its money back—and with interest (you see, they paid the $400 million, but got nothing for their money).

All told, Tehran was asking The Hague arbitrators (comprising equal numbers of U.S., Iranian and neutral judges) for $10 billion. Fearing they might actually be awarded that much, or something like it, the Obama administration negotiated privately with Tehran, which agreed to settle for $1.7 billion (sound familiar, a lot like Trump when he "negotiates" settlements during his many bankruptcies....).

Monetary exchanges and hostages have played an important role in US/Iran relations. Remember Carter and the hostage fiasco that cost him his presidency? The mullahs insisted that Jimmy Carter have left office before releasing the 52 original hostages. The hostages were formally released into United States custody the day after the signing of the Algiers Accords, just minutes after the new American president, Ronald Reagan, was sworn into office. The “arms for hostages” scandal that marred Reagan’s second term brought together Iran, Central American insurgencies and U.S. prisoners held by Iranian surrogates (see, Reagan and the Iran Contra bull poop).

A flurry of claims settlements in 1989 came as President George H.W. Bush attempted to persuade Tehran to help release more American hostages, a group that was being held in Lebanon. “I’d like to get this underbrush cleaned out now,” Bush said, after the U.S. announced it was releasing $567 million in frozen assets to Tehran. “I hope,” Bush added, “they will do what they can to influence those who hold these hostages."

Were you outraged when Reagan pulled his poop? Or how about daddy Bush when he pulled his? Or is it just that when a Democrat does it, then it is wrong?

We can debate all day long on this stuff, and nothing I say is going to change your mind, nor is anything you say going to change my mind. I will say I hope Trump succeeds. I didn't vote for him, but I do wish him well. But if he is a f-word up I guarantee you that everyone who voted for him needs to OWN it. He made his voters a lot of promises, and now it is time for all of them to hold him to those promises. Since the Republicans have both houses of Congress and the presidency, not getting things done will no longer work as an excuse. I'd say your party has 4 years to get something done. If things look a lot like they do now, or look worse, it won't bode well for a Trump second term.
What is the difference between politicians and stoners? Politicians don't inhale...they just suck.
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