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Well-known member

Click here and vote for NDSU over BYU those slimy Mormon pricks wrote a macro script to continuous vote.

(Don't enter the email address , just enter captcha then vote again over and over)

Thanks in advance, don't let byu get $100,000
I think i know who your talking about I HAVE THAT PERSON ON IGNORE Dude..This guy stalks me. He's a und fan. He ONLY showed up after bohl was hired because he is jealous of ndsu and it's success and myself. He's 55 and I have never replied to him on this board. He has issues so I'm quite frankly scared of him since he wrote my boss numerous times trying to get me fired. Pretty cool huh.

Anyways as a NDSU & WYOMING FAN...I'd like for you guys to take down byu, Thank you.... Also thanks for the private messages getting my back versus this said pscyho
Hayduke said:
I voted for the Cougars.

Gotta draw the line somewhere... :lol:
lakesbison said:
BYU computer nerds are doing some serious cheatin....they need a life!! Stupid mormons

They are doing some cheating? You mean the same way you came to a WYOMING board and asked for help??? Laughable.

Go away.

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