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Its game week...Colorado Christian, come on down.


Well-known member
Thats right. The team will be studying film of a different opponent this week.

Its time to get dialed in. The season is upon us.

We are getting hammered on social media. This gave me a chuckle but I am perplexed on this photo shoot :lol:
What in the living hell is that about? Was it a Brokeback spoof? I am all for "to each their own" but come on WYO! LMAO - kind of.
I'm all for it(ehhh). If it gets our opponents talking smack about Brendan Wenzel and gets him pissed off, I'll take mad Brendan Wenzel this year.

This is 4d chess. We're giving people something to get under our skin with for a focused Wenzel collecting receipts.
McPeachy said:
What in the living hell is that about? Was it a Brokeback spoof? I am all for "to each their own" but come on WYO! LMAO - kind of.

Josh does similar goofy stuff with Knox and company and no one bats an eye. From step brothers phot to Dirty Dancing lift with Jordan Phillips. It's all fun. If they want to be funny they need to bust some stuff out from Semi-Pro
Itsux2beaewe said:
OrediggerPoke said:
Oden appears to be out for the game. Limping.

Dang, we don’t need a bunch of injuries this early. Reynolds came down pretty weird there…..

Lot of injuries it seems. Is Linder pushing them too hard in practice?

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