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Why a win, feels like a loss - - -


Well-known member
I am first and foremost happy that our seniors got the "W" in their last home game as Cowboys. They are future UW ambassadors and maybe donors - so I am pleased for them. They lasted 4 years (+ / -) under DC, and multiple position coach changes - which had to have been extremely challenging. I would also like to say, this will bring closure to some of us for #12, and I am proud that Sonny, DC (et al) honored him and his legacy at UW. I am also proud that these players and graduates are also walking out of Laramie with something special, something that others would kill for - Degrees - to which we could argue the value of all day long - for their efforts. Good on them, and good on UW.

But I gotta say, that Hawaii win sure felt like a loss to me. I don't know if it was the mistakes made, the horrific defense, the laughable special teams, the opponent and their 0 & 10 record, the weather, my thinking Tom Burman needs to go away (and probably take DC with him), the alcohol, the fact that I simply have lost some interest as the season went on, or a combination of all of the above. As such, life goes on (shrugging my shoulders) - and as I have heard so many Wyoming football fans say - it isn't life or death - and at least we have basketball to look forward to.

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