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BB transfer portal is open

Well, I liked what I saw from him the few times he played (early season). He was recruited by some decent schools (Villanova, South Carolina, etc.), and was supposedly a top 200 recruit when Linger & Co signed him. Not sure if he would have developed or not.
Itsux2beaewe said:
It’s quieter than I expected. Is this good/bad?

It doesn't close until May 1. I really hope we don't see "Wyoming" in the portal reports more than 1-2 players.
OrediggerPoke said:
I wonder what Napoleon Bonaparte’s legacy would have been had the transfer portal existed during the French Revolution?

LOL Nice historical analogy.
WYO1016 said:

Loved that he stuck it out a year after the mass exodus, but frankly, he belongs on a D2 roster. He could be a force at that level.