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Granderson in trouble

Wow, wtf!!!!

How did he not learn from the Ghaifan situation? This is bad bad for Wyoming (starting to look like Baylor).
You would THINK that when somebody one freaking played next to went and did something idiotic, one would LEARN from that.

That's gonna cost you a LOT of money, Carl.

What is Sexual Assault?
In Wyoming, there are different types of sexual assaults that are defined as crimes.

First degree sexual assault occurs when someone inflicts sexual intrusion on a victim:

by using physical force or confinement to cause submission;
by using threats of death, serious physical injury or kidnapping of any person and the victim believes it is possible for the perpetrator to carry out the threats;
when the victim is physically helpless, and the perpetrator knows or reasonably should know that the victim is physically helpless and that the victim has not consented; or
when the perpetrator knows or reasonably should know that the victim is not capable of consenting to sexual activity because of a mental illness, mental deficiency or developmental disability.
Second degree sexual assault occurs (if the circumstances do not otherwise constitute first degree sexual assault) when:

The perpetrator makes the victim submit by threatening to retaliate in the future against the victim or the victim's spouse, parents, brothers, sisters or children, and the victim reasonably believes the actor will execute this threat. To retaliate includes threats of kidnapping, death, serious bodily injury or extreme physical pain;
The perpetrator forces the victim to submit by any means that would prevent resistance by a victim of ordinary resolution;
The perpetrator gives the victim or knows that someone else gave the victim, without the prior knowledge or consent of the victim, any substance which substantially impairs the victim's power to appraise or control her conduct;
The perpetrator knows or should reasonably know that the victim submits only because of a mistaken belief that the perpetrator is the victim's spouse;
The perpetrator is in a position of authority over the victim and uses this position of authority to cause the victim to submit;
The perpetrator is an employee of a correctional facility and the victim is a resident of the facility; or
The actor inflicts sexual intrusion in treatment or examination of a victim for purposes or in a manner substantially inconsistent with reasonable medical practices.
Third degree sexual assault occurs when (if the circumstances do not otherwise constitute first or second degree sexual assault) a perpetrator subjects a victim to sexual contact under any of the circumstances listed in the first or second degree sexual assault laws but does not inflict sexual intrusion on the victim and does not cause serious bodily injury.
For more information on sexual assault, please see Wyoming Statute 6-2-304.
No way felony charges get handled before the draft. Undrafted for sure.

Based on Bohl's comment, this is very troubling and sounds like the alleged facts are going to be very bad when they come out. I'm sure those will be coming out sooner rather than later once the charging affidavit is released to the paper.
OrediggerPoke said:
Wow, wtf!!!!

How did he not learn from the Ghaifan situation? This is bad bad for Wyoming (starting to look like Baylor).

Not even close. Bohl doesn't put up wit hthis stuff. Like Giafan being sent home right away. NOthing is being swept under the rug or covered up. NOthing like Baylor.

And with Granderson it happened after the season and he isn't enrolled in school. So it is awful but doesn't appear to have much to do with UW>
TSpoke said:
OrediggerPoke said:
Wow, wtf!!!!

How did he not learn from the Ghaifan situation? This is bad bad for Wyoming (starting to look like Baylor).

Not even close. Bohl doesn't put up wit hthis stuff. Like Giafan being sent home right away. NOthing is being swept under the rug or covered up. NOthing like Baylor.

And with Granderson it happened after the season and he isn't enrolled in school. So it is awful but doesn't appear to have much to do with UW>

Yes, you're right about that. The school is definitely not trying to sweep it under the rug as it appears the University informed the paper of the charges. Bohl has appeared to have handled the incidents as best as he could under the circumstances.

But from an image perspective to the average public, all they see is multiple Wyoming football players charged with sex crimes. That's the extent of what they see and then form an opinion about the culture of UW football based solely on that.
Sadly this happens at a lot of universities without much publicity. When you think of Minnesota, do you immediately think of sexual assault? If not, these 2 incidents at UW are minor compared to what happened at Minnesota. In no way excusing this kind of behavior, in fact pointing out that it happens way too much and needs to be highlighted in order to make it less prevalent.
TSpoke said:
OrediggerPoke said:
Wow, wtf!!!!

How did he not learn from the Ghaifan situation? This is bad bad for Wyoming (starting to look like Baylor).

Not even close. Bohl doesn't put up wit hthis stuff. Like Giafan being sent home right away. NOthing is being swept under the rug or covered up. NOthing like Baylor.

And with Granderson it happened after the season and he isn't enrolled in school. So it is awful but doesn't appear to have much to do with UW>
To be clear, he was CHARGED after the season...
Wyovanian said:
TSpoke said:
OrediggerPoke said:
Wow, wtf!!!!

How did he not learn from the Ghaifan situation? This is bad bad for Wyoming (starting to look like Baylor).

Not even close. Bohl doesn't put up wit hthis stuff. Like Giafan being sent home right away. NOthing is being swept under the rug or covered up. NOthing like Baylor.

And with Granderson it happened after the season and he isn't enrolled in school. So it is awful but doesn't appear to have much to do with UW>
To be clear, he was CHARGED after the season...

From the article above:
charges...were filed...this week in Albany County Circuit Court stemming from an off-campus incident that occurred after the season.
It’s hard to speculate too much until the case is bound over to district court and the alleged facts become public.

But I’m wondering if a combine invite can be rescinded. One thing is for sure is that there is no way Granderson’s attorneys let him speak to any NFL teams (or anyone) about the charges until they are resolved.
WestWYOPoke said:
Wyovanian said:
TSpoke said:
OrediggerPoke said:
Wow, wtf!!!!

How did he not learn from the Ghaifan situation? This is bad bad for Wyoming (starting to look like Baylor).

Not even close. Bohl doesn't put up wit hthis stuff. Like Giafan being sent home right away. NOthing is being swept under the rug or covered up. NOthing like Baylor.

And with Granderson it happened after the season and he isn't enrolled in school. So it is awful but doesn't appear to have much to do with UW>
To be clear, he was CHARGED after the season...

From the article above:
charges...were filed...this week in Albany County Circuit Court stemming from an off-campus incident that occurred after the season.
Updated article states that the call to Laramie PD came in on November 26. This was 2 days after Wyoming’s final game against New Mexico but before Wyoming learned it wouldn’t be going bowling.
McPeachy said:
Looks like this may get tossed out via violation of state statute. Hope so.

Via state statute? The Circuit Court reviews the charging affidavit to see if there is enough evidence to sustain the charges. Is this what you are referring to? The only other state statute that I can think of that would apply is the statute of limitations on certain crimes but that almost certainly doesn't apply here because I don't believe Granderson has even been at the University of Wyoming long enough to exceed the Statute of Limitations.

If someone was sexually assaulted, I certainly hope that the charges wouldn't be dismissed. Its all speculation on my part. The police investigation began apparently in November and charges were apparently filed in late January. It appears there was probably a significant period to investigate and determine whether to proceed with charges. Albany County has a sharp county attorney so I would tend to believe that there is enough evidence to sustain a charge or the charges wouldn't have been filed.

One statute that is of concern to me is Wyo. Stat. 6-2-319:
6-2-319. Names not to be released; restrictions on disclosures or publication of information; violations; penalties.
(a) Prior to the filing of an information or indictment in district court charging a violation of an offense under this article, neither the names of the alleged actor or the victim of the charged offense nor any other information reasonably likely to disclose the identity of the victim shall be released or negligently allowed to be released to the public by any public employee except as authorized by the judge with jurisdiction over the criminal charges. The actor's name may be released to the public to aid or facilitate an arrest.
(c) Any person who willfully violates subsection (a) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) or be imprisoned in the county jail not more than ninety (90) days, or both.

I do question what is a 'public employee' under 6-2-319 and did a University of Wyoming employee violate this statute, because, according to the Tribune article, the University notified the paper of the charges against Granderson before they had been bound over to District Court. Very very interesting.
McPeachy said:
Looks like this may get tossed out via violation of state statute. Hope so.
I should be a little more clear that I don't think Wyo. Stat. 6-2-319 would be a reason to dismiss charges. I'm just concerned whether there was a violation of it.

"(d) A release of a name or other information to the public in violation of the proscriptions of this section shall not stand as a bar to the prosecution of a defendant nor be grounds for dismissal of any charges against a defendant."

Me thinking out loud...what if the charges against Granderson are ultimately tossed before being bound over to District Court and what if there was a violation of Wyo. Stat. 6-2-319 by a University Employee and what if Granderson still drops like a rock at the NFL draft. Does Granderson have a potential claim for money damages against the individual or the University? Very very interesting questions.
WestWYOPoke said:
Wyovanian said:
TSpoke said:
OrediggerPoke said:
Wow, wtf!!!!

How did he not learn from the Ghaifan situation? This is bad bad for Wyoming (starting to look like Baylor).

Not even close. Bohl doesn't put up wit hthis stuff. Like Giafan being sent home right away. NOthing is being swept under the rug or covered up. NOthing like Baylor.

And with Granderson it happened after the season and he isn't enrolled in school. So it is awful but doesn't appear to have much to do with UW>
To be clear, he was CHARGED after the season...

From the article above:
charges...were filed...this week in Albany County Circuit Court stemming from an off-campus incident that occurred after the season.

Oops, my bad. Missed that...
OrediggerPoke said:
McPeachy said:
Looks like this may get tossed out via violation of state statute. Hope so.
I should be a little more clear that I don't think Wyo. Stat. 6-2-319 would be a reason to dismiss charges. I'm just concerned whether there was a violation of it.

"(d) A release of a name or other information to the public in violation of the proscriptions of this section shall not stand as a bar to the prosecution of a defendant nor be grounds for dismissal of any charges against a defendant."

Me thinking out loud...what if the charges against Granderson are ultimately tossed before being bound over to District Court and what if there was a violation of Wyo. Stat. 6-2-319 by a University Employee and what if Granderson still drops like a rock at the NFL draft. Does Granderson have a potential claim for money damages against the individual or the University? Very very interesting questions.

It may (be a reason to dismiss), but who knows in today's legal world. I have seen stranger. A lot stranger.
McPeachy said:
OrediggerPoke said:
McPeachy said:
Looks like this may get tossed out via violation of state statute. Hope so.
I should be a little more clear that I don't think Wyo. Stat. 6-2-319 would be a reason to dismiss charges. I'm just concerned whether there was a violation of it.

"(d) A release of a name or other information to the public in violation of the proscriptions of this section shall not stand as a bar to the prosecution of a defendant nor be grounds for dismissal of any charges against a defendant."

Me thinking out loud...what if the charges against Granderson are ultimately tossed before being bound over to District Court and what if there was a violation of Wyo. Stat. 6-2-319 by a University Employee and what if Granderson still drops like a rock at the NFL draft. Does Granderson have a potential claim for money damages against the individual or the University? Very very interesting questions.

It may (be a reason to dismiss), but who knows in today's legal world. I have seen stranger. A lot stranger.
I agree, me too.

Just in my opinion, the statute does seem to address that charges shouldn't be dismissed on a basis of a violation of 6-2-319. But my concern is how is the University releasing a statement and how is Craig Bohl and Tom Burman talking to the paper and specifically identifying Carl Granderson when the charge apparently hasn't been bound over to the District Court as apparently required by Wyo. Stat. 6-2-319.
OrediggerPoke said:
It’s hard to speculate too much until the case is bound over to district court and the alleged facts become public.

But I’m wondering if a combine invite can be rescinded. One thing is for sure is that there is no way Granderson’s attorneys let him speak to any NFL teams (or anyone) about the charges until they are resolved.

Looks like combine invites can be rescinded for pending charges involving sexual assault or domestic violence.