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Nance Jr. to the Cavs

This is great news!!!! Larry now has a legit shot this year for a title and gets to play with Bron. Dope upgrade and super cool following in his dads steps with the Cavs :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
I don't have to root for the Lakers anymore :-P
He goes from having to play with Kobe a couple years ago to having to serve under LeBron. Hope he gets to play on a real team at some point in his career.
NNNOOOOOO! I know that Larry is probably happy about playing for his home team, but this is going to be the hardest team for me to root for. I just have always disliked LeBron....
LanderPoke said:
He goes from having to play with Kobe a couple years ago to having to serve under LeBron. Hope he gets to play on a real team at some point in his career.

Huh?? He gets to play with arguably the best player to ever play the game (yes there are arguments for Jordan as well)...and his style should mesh well with James. I think the Cavs with the additions are now a serious title contender.
OrediggerPoke said:
LanderPoke said:
He goes from having to play with Kobe a couple years ago to having to serve under LeBron. Hope he gets to play on a real team at some point in his career.

Huh?? He gets to play with arguably the best player to ever play the game (yes there are arguments for Jordan as well)...and his style should mesh well with James. I think the Cavs with the additions are now a serious title contender.
James is a great player, yes. But he's not very likeable. I just don't want to root for Bronbron
Cosmic Cowboy said:
This is great news!!!! Larry now has a legit shot this year for a title and gets to play with Bron. Dope upgrade and super cool following in his dads steps with the Cavs :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
I don't have to root for the Lakers anymore :-P

Lol no he doesn't
joshvanklomp said:
This is great for him, to play where his dad played and much closer to home.
I guess. If he can close his eyes, hold his nose, and ignore the fact that he is in, well, Cleveland.
At least he will get to play in the playoffs for one season now. After James splits, Nance is back on one of the worst teams in the league again.
Adv8RU12 said:
joshvanklomp said:
This is great for him, to play where his dad played and much closer to home.
I guess. If he can close his eyes, hold his nose, and ignore the fact that he is in, well, Cleveland.

For someone who grew up in Akron, that's probably a good thing....
Free agency in professional sports just sucks major ass.

Favorite player on your favorite team? Don't hold your breath. Time to burn my "Lakers" - "Nance" jersey.