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Well-known member
How did a thread not get created for this epic game!

Love that first drive forced turn over!

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While not a lot of contact, I don't like that neither of those throws were called pass interference. :-/

Also not sure I'm a fan of throwing after running at will, but I suppose we want to keep them on their toes?
Seriously. I understand trying to open up the running game by passing, but when Hill broke off that first run we should have kept at it.

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Tightened it up in defense for the 2nd drive. Good to see!

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Now I really hope they just run the ball down their throat and see if they can stop Hill without stacking the box. Once they stack the box then hit Gentry

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Defense has had two stops. Offense needs to start scoring now to help them out, because we're definitely not holding Boise off forever.