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Sawvel to open up practice

Coach Sawvel seems very different from coach Bohl. Players seem to love him. Hope the culture of hard work and discipline doesn't erode over time.
LanderPoke said:
Coach Sawvel sees very different from coach Bohl. Players seem to love him. Hope the culture of hard work and discipline doesn't erode over time.

That’s actually my worry too. Talking with him, he almost seems too nice and down to Earth.
OrediggerPoke said:
LanderPoke said:
Coach Sawvel sees very different from coach Bohl. Players seem to love him. Hope the culture of hard work and discipline doesn't erode over time.

That’s actually my worry too. Talking with him, he almost seems too nice and down to Earth.

The days of tyrant coach have been numbered for sometime, even Bohl became more open and willing to listen to the players and their opinions/concerns over time. Sawvel's success or failure as head coach will depend on how well the team performs, not whether he is nice guy or a jerk. I suspect that with todays players being a nice guy works better but we will see over the next couple of seasons.
doreno5 said:
OrediggerPoke said:
That’s actually my worry too. Talking with him, he almost seems too nice and down to Earth.

The days of tyrant coach have been numbered for sometime, even Bohl became more open and willing to listen to the players and their opinions/concerns over time. Sawvel's success or failure as head coach will depend on how well the team performs, not whether he is nice guy or a jerk. I suspect that with todays players being a nice guy works better but we will see over the next couple of seasons.

Very true. I believe Bertagnole returning says a lot about Sawvel, and the respect he has from him.

May 1 - 15 will tell the whole story I suppose……….
Itsux2beaewe said:
doreno5 said:
The days of tyrant coach have been numbered for sometime, even Bohl became more open and willing to listen to the players and their opinions/concerns over time. Sawvel's success or failure as head coach will depend on how well the team performs, not whether he is nice guy or a jerk. I suspect that with todays players being a nice guy works better but we will see over the next couple of seasons.

Very true. I believe Bertagnole returning says a lot about Sawvel, and the respect he has from him.

May 1 - 15 will tell the whole story I suppose……….

Word is that shortly after Sawvel was introduced, Bertagnole walked into his office and asked if he could come back.
If you’re playing for a middling g5 team, would you rather play for a players coach or an asshole, all things being equal?
laxwyo said:
If you’re playing for a middling g5 team, would you rather play for a players coach or an asshole, all things being equal?

You rather play for winners. Rest is window dressing.