McPeachy said:
Yeah, well, that doesn't answer my question - that is a guess (your guess). He is an alumni, hall of famer, and endeared by WYO basketball fans everywhere. So, he chose to throw that out there in support of JO? For what purpose again? My guess is for the attention (call it being a social media "friendly ladies").
And as far as the Chicago thing goes - I don't buy it. WYO has had 100's of successful recruits from that area, that didn't post anything either way. Read anything about Chicago in the news the last few years? That place is like living in f-word Beirut. I would think some athletes from that area would LOVE the chance to GTFO of there. So once again, I am not sure we should be thanking him and "kissing his ass" for using social media to "understand and support" one of the many former athletes, who happen to be in Chicago.
In fact, I could have (and many other WYO fans as well) done without his dime on the topic.
I have to wonder if you ever have even been to Chicago, or even lived some other place (especially a city) than Wyoming. If people's only knowledge of a place is what they've seen on the news, they are definitely not getting the whole picture. I was born and raised in WY and am a proud graduate of UW. That said, I have lived a number of other places (western Nebraska, eastern Washington, Denver, Tucson, New York City) and now have been in Chicago (not the suburbs) for several decades. It's a great city and very livable. I've never had even the slightest problem. Sure, anytime you put a lot of people in a small geographic there will be "news", but to call a city "f-word Beirut" without first hand knowledge is not helpful. So for a native big city kid to always thrive in a small isolated town like Laramie is just not going to happen. Some might, some might not. The culture shock is a lot to handle. From my own personal experience, moving from Laramie to rural western Nebraska was a much, much bigger culture shock than this Cowboy ever felt moving to NYC. City life can be very appealing. BTW, over the years (while I was teaching), I would always promote UW to my students, even worked a bunch as a volunteer rep for UW at college fairs. As positive as I could be about the kind of great, reasonably priced education I got, UW was always a really hard sell for city kids. I personally think that railing against JO or Ewing like this is just counterproductive and should be avoided.