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Is something up in Laramie?


Well-known member
The Hermann kid commits and then de-commits less than 10 days later. Rocky Shields de-commits days before signing day. I know these things happen at other schools...and have this week. I guess we will see after the bowl and around signing day.
It is very typical with this generation of athlete / person. The word "commitment" has no meaning any longer.
McPeachy said:
It is very typical with this generation of athlete / person. The word "commitment" has no meaning any longer.

Sadly that attitude will spill over into jobs and marriages later in life for them. :roll:
Wyokie said:
McPeachy said:
It is very typical with this generation of athlete / person. The word "commitment" has no meaning any longer.

Sadly that attitude will spill over into jobs and marriages later in life for them. :roll:

And even worse, how they treat other people in general...
McPeachy said:
Wyokie said:
Sadly that attitude will spill over into jobs and marriages later in life for them. :roll:

And even worse, how they treat other people in general...

Nor do they care, until the final party is over or last friend or family member communicates with them. It's all about the here and now, unfortunately
McPeachy said:
Wyokie said:
Sadly that attitude will spill over into jobs and marriages later in life for them. :roll:

And even worse, how they treat other people in general...

The 'TikTok,' 'Influencer,' and social media generation. The focus is all on themselves and rarely the greater good.
OrediggerPoke said:
McPeachy said:
And even worse, how they treat other people in general...

The 'TikTok,' 'Influencer,' and social media generation. The focus is all on themselves and rarely the greater good.

Thus the beginnings of the "Karens" of the world. :roll:
Wyokie said:
McPeachy said:
It is very typical with this generation of athlete / person. The word "commitment" has no meaning any longer.

Sadly that attitude will spill over into jobs and marriages later in life for them. :roll:

I'll be the first to admit that I don't love everything about the traits I see in this generation. That being said, job loyalty isn't necissarily a positive trait. I work in the "career advisor" business and my view of the Millennial/Z crowd is that they're just more open and honest about what they expect from their employer. Companies, on average, demonstrate way lower levels of loyalty to their employees than visa-versa. I see that every day. These guys are just more willing to leave if they don't get what they expect or were promised. I'm talking about the average employee, of course. There are pain-in-the-ass snowflakes in every age group, but I don't see more in the younger group than any other.

Also, I don't know if you've looked at divorce rates by generation lately, but Boomers are the group that tend to bail on marriages. Every generation since has had a lower divorce rate.
flyfishwyo said:
Wyokie said:
Sadly that attitude will spill over into jobs and marriages later in life for them. :roll:


Also, I don't know if you've looked at divorce rates by generation lately, but Boomers are the group that tend to bail on marriages. Every generation since has had a lower divorce rate.
Young generations just don't bother getting married at all. They can't be bothered with a spouse or family because otherwise there wouldn't be enough time left over for me me me me me me me!
LanderPoke said:
flyfishwyo said:
Also, I don't know if you've looked at divorce rates by generation lately, but Boomers are the group that tend to bail on marriages. Every generation since has had a lower divorce rate.
Young generations just don't bother getting married at all. They can't be bothered with a spouse or family because otherwise there wouldn't be enough time left over for me me me me me me me!

Hey, if they're not going to be good spouses or parents I'd prefer they didn't get married. Waiting to gain a little maturity sounds like a great plan.

Your comments make you sound like a Boomer. Don't get me started. No generation in the history of our country has received more and contributed less. Hell, most of the problems we see in college football today are caused by poor decision making from universty presidents, conference commissioners, ADs, and bowl game chairmen. Those people aren't Millennials or Gen Z.
flyfishwyo said:
LanderPoke said:
Young generations just don't bother getting married at all. They can't be bothered with a spouse or family because otherwise there wouldn't be enough time left over for me me me me me me me!

Hey, if they're not going to be good spouses or parents I'd prefer they didn't get married. Waiting to gain a little maturity sounds like a great plan.

Your comments make you sound like a Boomer. Don't get me started. No generation in the history of our country has received more and contributed less. Hell, most of the problems we see in college football today are caused by poor decision making from universty presidents, conference commissioners, ADs, and bowl game chairmen. Those people aren't Millennials or Gen Z.
I'm a millennial.
Bohl just had a few freshman on the 2nd and 3rd team freshman all American team. I guarantee bigger programs are watching who he recruits and paying a little more attention to the recruits he offers.
Harrison Waylee RB from Northern Illinois transfers to UW.
5'10" 195 lb ran for 899 yards and 5 TDS this year.

And, I’m a boomer.
I'm generation X. Born right in the middle of the whole Watergate mess...NOT literally BTW.

Just realized my dumb-assed error. Thanks for not saying anything, guys. LOL

Meant Watergate when I first posted this but ended up typing Whitegate. :oops: :oops:
LanderPoke said:
flyfishwyo said:
Hey, if they're not going to be good spouses or parents I'd prefer they didn't get married. Waiting to gain a little maturity sounds like a great plan.

Your comments make you sound like a Boomer. Don't get me started. No generation in the history of our country has received more and contributed less. Hell, most of the problems we see in college football today are caused by poor decision making from universty presidents, conference commissioners, ADs, and bowl game chairmen. Those people aren't Millennials or Gen Z.
I'm a millennial.

Of this, I can confirm. So am I, and not only can Lander confirm it, but the people I've met in real life too.
fromolwyoming said:
LanderPoke said:
I'm a millennial.

Of this, I can confirm. So am I, and not only can Lander confirm it, but the people I've met in real life too.

Me, too. I guess I just got a little fired up about the Boomers complaining about the younger generations. I've had a couple of projects fall through lately because senior managers (Boomers) didn't keep their word. I'll scale it back...
flyfishwyo said:
fromolwyoming said:
Of this, I can confirm. So am I, and not only can Lander confirm it, but the people I've met in real life too.

Me, too. I guess I just got a little fired up about the Boomers complaining about the younger generations. I've had a couple of projects fall through lately because senior managers (Boomers) didn't keep their word. I'll scale it back...
I automatically assume everyone here is a boomer. Ha ha
LanderPoke said:
flyfishwyo said:
Me, too. I guess I just got a little fired up about the Boomers complaining about the younger generations. I've had a couple of projects fall through lately because senior managers (Boomers) didn't keep their word. I'll scale it back...
I automatically assume everyone here is a boomer. Ha ha
And to think you're a year older than I am. :rofl: