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Wyokie said:
And his VP is no better!!!!

At least she can speak (although rarely with anything but venomous drivel). She is a complete cackling vindictive bitch, but she can Obama us all day...unlike dementia Joe. :popcorn:
We're in great hands, people. Great hands.
The man can't speak and panders to people that are cheering him like he's in last place at the Special Olympics. It's a sham.
LanderPoke said:
We're in great hands, people. Great hands.

We are more fucked than we have been in a long time. Since 2008 (or maybe a bit before that). Republican / Democrat - doesn't matter. Fucked I tell you.
McPeachy said:
LanderPoke said:
We're in great hands, people. Great hands.

We are more fucked than we have been in a long time. Since 2008 (or maybe a bit before that). Republican / Democrat - doesn't matter. Fucked I tell you.

Apparently Israel just got it's version of Skippy aka Biden to run that country. :roll:
I in no way intend this as political, mean, partisan or anything else except how I truly feel. I really worry that he isn't at full mental capacity. Age can do terrible things; especially to the mind. Scary indeed.
ragtimejoe1 said:
I in no way intend this as political, mean, partisan or anything else except how I truly feel. I really worry that he isn't at full mental capacity. Age can do terrible things; especially to the mind. Scary indeed.

My $0.02....I honestly don't think he'll last the full 4 year term before he's replaced by VP Harris as President due to his mental issues.
So for those that are concerned about his ability to speak in complete sentences or his mental status... were you equally concerned from 2016-2020? Because the last guy was just as bad if not worse in those regards.
WestWYOPoke said:
So for those that are concerned about his ability to speak in complete sentences or his mental status... were you equally concerned from 2016-2020? Because the last guy was just as bad if not worse in those regards.

He also has the vocabulary of a third grader. These two are what the country wanted, though. There were competent candidates for GOP in 2016 and same for the Democrats in 2020...

I still wish Kasich had had a solid campaign team and a touch of personality. Unfortunately for him (and maybe all of us), he was competent instead of fun.
WestWYOPoke said:
So for those that are concerned about his ability to speak in complete sentences or his mental status... were you equally concerned from 2016-2020? Because the last guy was just as bad if not worse in those regards.

LOL - I beg to differ. Although I was not a Trump fan / am not a Trump fan, Biden's complete lack of mental stability is frightening. Leave previous administrations out of this conversation, it isn't about them - it is about the current idiot who is fucking up everything he touches.
What McPeachy is probably saying, and I could be wrong here, is...the current POTUS makes the last one look like a genius.

Plus the last one had a hot looking wife!!!!!

Biden reminds me of the lonely grandfather that no child in the family should be alone with!!!!
WestWYOPoke said:
So for those that are concerned about his ability to speak in complete sentences or his mental status... were you equally concerned from 2016-2020? Because the last guy was just as bad if not worse in those regards.

For me, there were many concerns with the past administration but I didn't feel like he demonstrated signs of onset of dementia or age-related cognitive decline.

What does Trump being a borderline (or maybe full) idiot (imho) have to do with Biden's questionable mental health? I don't understand?
ragtimejoe1 said:
WestWYOPoke said:
So for those that are concerned about his ability to speak in complete sentences or his mental status... were you equally concerned from 2016-2020? Because the last guy was just as bad if not worse in those regards.

For me, there were many concerns with the past administration but I didn't feel like he demonstrated signs of onset of dementia or age-related cognitive decline.

What does Trump being a borderline (or maybe full) idiot (imho) have to do with Biden's questionable mental health? I don't understand?
Because everything has to be viewed through the lens of TRUMP! Just like the lefties want to examine every single interaction through the lens of race and racism they also want to compare, analyze, interpret and ultimately understand life itself through Trump. Talk about living rent-free in one's head.

Trump was a buffoon, but I loved his policies. Biden is a cognitive mess and was stupid, racist and dishonest to begin with and is now governing from the EXTREME far left. It's dangerous.
ragtimejoe1 said:
WestWYOPoke said:
So for those that are concerned about his ability to speak in complete sentences or his mental status... were you equally concerned from 2016-2020? Because the last guy was just as bad if not worse in those regards.

For me, there were many concerns with the past administration but I didn't feel like he demonstrated signs of onset of dementia or age-related cognitive decline.

What does Trump being a borderline (or maybe full) idiot (imho) have to do with Biden's questionable mental health? I don't understand?

The point is that I didn't see any of this concern the last 4 years. The last POTUS was the least intelligent and generally worst human to hold the position in my lifetime, but yet it was crickets here. Now, when someone from the other side of the aisle (who I'll agree isn't the sharpest tool in the shed) takes office it's suddenly the end of our country. The bipartisanship is nauseating.

I'm neither liberal or conservative, I call it as I see it on both sides.

If you really want to discuss policy and economics, then the last administration has as much to do with where we are as a country as the current administration.
WestWYOPoke said:
ragtimejoe1 said:
WestWYOPoke said:
So for those that are concerned about his ability to speak in complete sentences or his mental status... were you equally concerned from 2016-2020? Because the last guy was just as bad if not worse in those regards.

For me, there were many concerns with the past administration but I didn't feel like he demonstrated signs of onset of dementia or age-related cognitive decline.

What does Trump being a borderline (or maybe full) idiot (imho) have to do with Biden's questionable mental health? I don't understand?

The point is that I didn't see any of this concern the last 4 years. The last POTUS was the least intelligent and generally worst human to hold the position in my lifetime, but yet it was crickets here. Now, when someone from the other side of the aisle (who I'll agree isn't the sharpest tool in the shed) takes office it's suddenly the end of our country. The bipartisanship is nauseating.

I'm neither liberal or conservative, I call it as I see it on both sides.

If you really want to discuss policy and economics, then the last administration has as much to do with where we are as a country as the current administration.

Ugh. There was plenty of concern the past 4 years. Every media outlet in the world proved that.

And I beg to differ again - ever heard of Jimmy Carter? Maybe Gerald Ford or Richard Nixon? W? If we are going to talk past administrations (which isn't the point of this thread really), lets lump in Obama and his 8 years of dogshit and complacency as well - he ran the US right into the ground. Hell, lets go back and talk Clinton and his lies - bold face - to the entire country on TV. Christ.

My point, and ONLY point, is that we have somebody in office - the leader of the free world - what was the most powerful office in the world - that is mentally incapable of completing a sentence, let alone a cognitive thought. He is lost...call it dementia, call it Alzheimer's, call it what you want, but he is WAY out of his league, and a disaster of a president.

Your last sentence is typical of something a libtard would say...you sure you are not one? And if you want to point fingers on why we are where we are today, point to Obama - great public speaker, completely full of shit, no traction talk, and unkept promises.
WestWYOPoke said:
The point is that I didn't see any of this concern the last 4 years. The last POTUS was the least intelligent and generally worst human to hold the position in my lifetime, but yet it was crickets here. Now, when someone from the other side of the aisle (who I'll agree isn't the sharpest tool in the shed) takes office it's suddenly the end of our country. The bipartisanship is nauseating.

I'm neither liberal or conservative, I call it as I see it on both sides.

If you really want to discuss policy and economics, then the last administration has as much to do with where we are as a country as the current administration.

Meh, I don't really care about Trump or really any president for the past, hell, I don't know, maybe ever. I think the 2nd Bush might be one of the worst in my lifetime. I wasn't real happy with either Obama or Trump; my personal situation was better under Trump than Obama. I don't know if it was because of Trump or despite Trump same for Obama.

Nonetheless, Biden is the first president in my lifetime that I've truly wondered about his mental health. You can spin politics any way you want, but I think he's showing signs of age-related mental decline at best and that has nothing to do with past administrations.
I think we can agree that no one over the age of 70 should ever be elected leader of the free world again. We've done it twice, and it hasn't been good either time.

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