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Wyo - Boise

I think it's hilarious that the announcers knew what play we were running on third down before we even ran it.
phxpoke said:
I think it's hilarious that the announcers knew what play we were running on third down before we even ran it.

Shocked we didn't get a first down! Shocked! Well not that shocked...
Notice how much more Boise mixes up their offense. They ran a wildcat, they ran a sweep with the wide receiver, they throw passes to the flat, they run it up the gut, they use different formations. On that drive alone we saw more variety from their offense then I bet we see from ours the whole game
1 of 6 on 3rd downs with 5 minutes left in half. Glad we picked up where we left off last week, wouldn't want that streak of missed 3rd downs to end
Bohl and Vigen - fan boys say they are great coaches. Yeah, 68 yards of total offense in the first half at home. Bohl earning that extension...
Seven seasons ... Harsin 68 and 18. Bohl 38 and 43. These numbers might not be exact but they're close. With the extension, we'll be stuck with this "power offense" for what? ... TWELVE YEARS?! FCS Championship coaches are NOT the answer. We're Zero for Two on these experiments.
WyoVaquero said:
Put Beerup in. Trick play, reverse, pass on first down, something.....

One of the most maddening things about the Bohl regime. They always play like they are the champs and can't afford to lose...no you fuckers we're the dogs. Show some creativity, trick plays, fakes, whatever. YOU LITERALLY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE AT THIS POINT!
After Williams’s bowl game I was expecting quite a bit more. Our offense looks atrocious abs so does the qb. Hopefully the season can be wrote off and either chambers or Williams comes back and takes the reigns
laxwyo said:
After Williams’s bowl game I was expecting quite a bit more. Our offense looks atrocious abs so does the qb. Hopefully the season can be wrote off and either chambers or Williams comes back and takes the reigns

I really don't think it matters unless Vigen is gone. If a NFL MVP caliber QB can't make this offense work, no QB can.
Boise is making mistakes and giving us the opportunity to take control, but we can't get past our self-inflicted Psych-Job. The announcers just said that the Cowboys aren't afraid of Boise. You could fool me! The third quarter is nearly over and they still haven't settled down. This game was there for the taking, but they can't seem to get their act together. Still nervous? At the end of the third quarter? Really?