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Now that Rocky has decided to go to New Mexico, I hope we are stepping up the search for a new defensive coordinator. I don't want to lose any recruits because of the uncertainty. Has anyone heard anything about who our new guy might be?
phxpoke said:
Now that Rocky has decided to go to New Mexico, I hope we are stepping up the search for a new defensive coordinator. I don't want to lose any recruits because of the uncertainty. Has anyone heard anything about who our new guy might be?

Most of the class signed in the early period (except some much needed receivers). I doubt the decision will have much impact on this year’s recruits.
Any chance John Richardson returns as DC? He has been involved with Bohl’s defense as a player and a coach since 2007.
Here's another one that used to be in Laramie. I don't know how Christensen's teams were so God-awful on defense when he had such good assistants.

TrackPoke said:
Any chance John Richardson returns as DC? He has been involved with Bohl’s defense as a player and a coach since 2007.

I think if that were a possibility and something he wanted, he wouldn't have left in the first place.
BackHarlowRoad said:
WYO1016 said:
I don't know how Christensen's teams were so God-awful on defense when he had such good assistants.

Because there are a lot more factors than just coaching.

Like having at least 4 NFL players and still sucking? (Gipson, Nzeocha, Purcell, Yarbrough)
wyokoke said:
BackHarlowRoad said:
WYO1016 said:
I don't know how Christensen's teams were so God-awful on defense when he had such good assistants.

Because there are a lot more factors than just coaching.

Like having at least 4 NFL players and still sucking? (Gipson, Nzeocha, Purcell, Yarbrough)

I would say all of the offensive drives that took a total of like 1 minute in real time and putting the defense right back out there with Christensen didn't help. At least now when we go 3 and out (which we do quite often), it takes about 3-4 minutes of real time at a minimum.
wyokoke said:
BackHarlowRoad said:
WYO1016 said:
I don't know how Christensen's teams were so God-awful on defense when he had such good assistants.

Because there are a lot more factors than just coaching.

Like having at least 4 NFL players and still sucking? (Gipson, Nzeocha, Purcell, Yarbrough)
I remember during Christensen's time the defense didn't know how to tackle. I remember countless times where a defender would lower their shoulder to try to make a hit and did not even try to wrap up, the running back would just bounce off the hit and keep on going. It wasn't until 3 years into bohls tenure once we got Hazelton that the defense finally started wrapping up on tackles
OrediggerPoke said:
wyokoke said:
BackHarlowRoad said:
WYO1016 said:
I don't know how Christensen's teams were so God-awful on defense when he had such good assistants.

Because there are a lot more factors than just coaching.

Like having at least 4 NFL players and still sucking? (Gipson, Nzeocha, Purcell, Yarbrough)

I would say all of the offensive drives that took a total of like 1 minute in real time and putting the defense right back out there with Christensen didn't help. At least now when we go 3 and out (which we do quite often), it takes about 3-4 minutes of real time at a minimum.

Agreed. Just think its's interesting, up to this year anyway, DC has more defensive guys in the league than Bohl. Not looking at it now, but if I remember right, assuming Logan at least goes somewhere he would make it a tie. Of guys in the league, not necessarily playing, I don't know if Epps really played at all for example
OrediggerPoke said:
wyokoke said:
BackHarlowRoad said:
WYO1016 said:
I don't know how Christensen's teams were so God-awful on defense when he had such good assistants.

Because there are a lot more factors than just coaching.

Like having at least 4 NFL players and still sucking? (Gipson, Nzeocha, Purcell, Yarbrough)

I would say all of the offensive drives that took a total of like 1 minute in real time and putting the defense right back out there with Christensen didn't help. At least now when we go 3 and out (which we do quite often), it takes about 3-4 minutes of real time at a minimum.
Hmm, if that were true, then top would be highly correlated to defensive rankings. They're not. Bohl's best offense and best top had one of the worst defenses and vice versa.

The two aren't as related as you'd like to think.
I guess Dickert had given Bohl his word that he would stay as our DC for at least two years if Bohl promoted him. Shows what Dickert's word is worth.. jack shit.n Karma can be a B, Dickert.
LanderPoke said:
I guess Dickert had given Bohl his word that he would stay as our DC for at least two years if Bohl promoted him. Shows what Dickert's word is worth.. jack Sh#t.n Karma can be a B, Dickert.

Where'd you hear that?
kdwrightuwyo said:
LanderPoke said:
I guess Dickert had given Bohl his word that he would stay as our DC for at least two years if Bohl promoted him. Shows what Dickert's word is worth.. jack Sh#t.n Karma can be a B, Dickert.

Where'd you hear that?
My sources :)
I get a feeling that the D is going to take a step back. Not a huge one but not a tiny one either. We’ve been a top 3 D last few years. We’re losing too much talent on field and coaching staff.
Supposed to be announced tomorrow. Can't believe how quiet it's been. I'm preparing to be underwhelmed.
Former Minnesota and Wake Forest defensive coordinator, Jay Sawvel is the new DC.

Marty English is coming back as the new DE coach.

If I remember correctly, Marty was a pretty good recruiter. Seemed to relate to the Colorado kids.