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Versus the Cajuns

Hell yes! Just fouled out their best player! That will help! AND NOW TWO TECHNICALS ON THEIR COACH AND HIS DAY IS DONE!!! Haha wow it really ramped up in intensity!
We needed that. They were slowly creeping in. Its nice to have a few go to FT guys late in the game. 61-45 with 3:36 left.
Very little Dalton this second half. We're winning without our two best players playing much. We have a deep team
LanderPoke said:
Very little Dalton this second half. We're winning without our two best players playing much. We have a deep team

FINALLY! We have been hearing for years that we'll be deep next year. Looks like next year is here! What a glorious time to be a Pokes BBall fan!
Another dumb forced turnover from Adams leads to a transition 3 and cuts the lead to 3. I hate to say bench Adams but damn man. He has hurt us a lot today. He just plays TOO out of control all the time
ItSucksToBeACSURam said:
Another dumb forced turnover from Adams leads to a transition 3 and cuts the lead to 3. I hate to say bench Adams but damn man. He has hurt us a lot today. He just plays TOO out of control all the time

I agree. Right now he is out of control and needs to sit.
ItSucksToBeACSURam said:
LanderPoke said:
Very little Dalton this second half. We're winning without our two best players playing much. We have a deep team

FINALLY! We have been hearing for years that we'll be deep next year. Looks like next year is here! What a glorious time to be a Pokes BBall fan!

Hallejullah!!!! I'm ready!