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Jeremy Lieberman transferring? (via Clint Parks)

bladerunnr said:
LanderPoke said:
McPeachy said:
LanderPoke said:
McPeachy said:
LanderPoke said:
Not sure why. Kelly was the better of the two, imo.


You are letting your bias toward Jeremy cloud your vision of medicore basketball.

34 12.6 3.4 1.3 1.5 0.6 0.0 0.8 .392 .542 .385

37 22.6 4.8 2.0 2.5 0.9 0.1 1.3 .418 .765 .293

It's a statistical wash, actually Kelly is better in almost everything on a per minute basis. Kelly is stronger and quicker and plays better d. Kelly was the second three point shooter on the team.

Stats only tell so much, and very little about defense and defensive stops. But I still wouldn't call it a statistical wash - even looking at the selective data you decided to share.

Either way, if coach Edwards looks to Kelly to primarily run the team from the point next year, we are in major fucking trouble. Major. Fucking. Trouble. Like, give up my season tickets type trouble.
Selective in Lieb's favor, yes. Advanced stats would be even less favorable to Lieberman. The main reason I think Kelly is better is d. Lieberman was a seive that gave the illusion of being a good defender because he looked like he was trying super hard(he was trying super hard) guarding someone 3/4 of the court. When players wanted they got into the lane at will vs. Lieberman. I thought Kelly did a much better job of keeping players out of the paint - the main defensive job of a guard.

But, yes. Next year will look a lot like this year if we don't upgrade the point guard spot. And we just took a major step in the right direction today.

All one had to do was watch the 2 csewe games. We could never keep their guards out of the paint and ours could never get into it. Kelly is not a D1 starter. 5-10 minutes a game is the most he should get.

I totally agree. Lieberman was a 2-3 minute guy that got 25.
Wish Liebs well, sorry it didn't pan out for him to finish his career at UW. That being said I'm kinda pumped that now 2 of our 3 worst defenders from this year will not be playing matadors for the pokes next year with Liebs transferring and Jmac graduating. Now if only aka gorski would realize he could probably score 25-30 ppg at Black Hills St................. :lol:

Anything that improves the overall team athleticism and on court defensive ability is a big plus in my book!!
Seriously, I told you players were going to leave the program and the first one just left. Why would any great player stick around in Laramie at this point???? Oh because this board was so high on the CBI (which we won) - our fan base sucks, our forums beat the shit out of players, our coach is bi-polar and will leave by the end of the 2018 or 19 season for greener pastures and if California players bust their asses to make it in Wyoming and are treated like shit by the coaches, how are we going to get more players from Cali to move to Wyoming? Oh your going to love the elevation, cows, horses and stadium that struggles to seat 2000 a game, sounds like a place where I would want my son to play bball. LPoke wants Kelly at the PG? What a joke. I like Kelly, he's tenacious, hearts in the right spot, but he's no D1 PG and would be crushed by Gonzaga, Kansas, Kentucky, Duke, NC, shit he can't even handle the MW. I wish Liemberman all the best, but I don't think Wyoming will break the top five in the MW next year and if we lose a few more seniors, we will SUCK next year. I was excited about a senior class with chemistry coming together next year and making a run, now, my prediction is coming true. Justin James, Hayden Dalton who else bolts for a better coach and program? not a good day in Poke Land.
davidwyo said:
Seriously, I told you players were going to leave the program and the first one just left. Why would any great player stick around in Laramie at this point???? Oh because this board was so high on the CBI (which we won) - our fan base sucks, our forums beat the shit out of players, our coach is bi-polar and will leave by the end of the 2018 or 19 season for greener pastures and if California players bust their asses to make it in Wyoming and are treated like shit by the coaches, how are we going to get more players from Cali to move to Wyoming? Oh your going to love the elevation, cows, horses and stadium that struggles to seat 2000 a game, sounds like a place where I would want my son to play bball. LPoke wants Kelly at the PG? What a joke. I like Kelly, he's tenacious, hearts in the right spot, but he's no D1 PG and would be crushed by Gonzaga, Kansas, Kentucky, Duke, NC, shit he can't even handle the MW. I wish Liemberman all the best, but I don't think Wyoming will break the top five in the MW next year and if we lose a few more seniors, we will SUCK next year. I was excited about a senior class with chemistry coming together next year and making a run, now, my prediction is coming true. Justin James, Hayden Dalton who else bolts for a better coach and program? not a good day in Poke Land.

None of that makes any sense. The median number of transfers for a D-1 program now is about 2.2/yr. Since Edwards has taken over Lieberman is the first player he has lost to a transfer. Our attrition rate is not really a problem.

I am pretty critical of Edwards' coaching, but roster turnover is not an issue we face.

Actually, even under Shyatt, we have been very fortunate in that most of our transfers have been marginal contributors. We haven't had someone we were counting on transfer since Shyatt took over.
davidwyo said:
Seriously, I told you players were going to leave the program and the first one just left. Why would any great player stick around in Laramie at this point???? Oh because this board was so high on the CBI (which we won) - our fan base sucks, our forums beat the shit out of players, our coach is bi-polar and will leave by the end of the 2018 or 19 season for greener pastures and if California players bust their asses to make it in Wyoming and are treated like shit by the coaches, how are we going to get more players from Cali to move to Wyoming? Oh your going to love the elevation, cows, horses and stadium that struggles to seat 2000 a game, sounds like a place where I would want my son to play bball. LPoke wants Kelly at the PG? What a joke. I like Kelly, he's tenacious, hearts in the right spot, but he's no D1 PG and would be crushed by Gonzaga, Kansas, Kentucky, Duke, NC, shit he can't even handle the MW. I wish Liemberman all the best, but I don't think Wyoming will break the top five in the MW next year and if we lose a few more seniors, we will SUCK next year. I was excited about a senior class with chemistry coming together next year and making a run, now, my prediction is coming true. Justin James, Hayden Dalton who else bolts for a better coach and program? not a good day in Poke Land.
So are you implying Lieberman was a great player? And you vilify Kelley, yet there any real difference between he and Lieberman? Your post is about as nonsensical as I have seen. More players may leave but it won't be James or Dalton. You criticize the fanbase but look at what you posted, attacking Edwards and Laramie. Smh.
It certainly sucks to lose someone whose been here for an extended period of time but its not like if Josh Adams would have left before his senior season. Liebs was a serviceable PG and I appreciate his contributions but can he be replaced? Absolutely. Is his departure going to derail our rebuilding process or hinder out progress? I doubt it.
davidwyo said:
Seriously, I told you players were going to leave the program and the first one just left. Why would any great player stick around in Laramie at this point???? Oh because this board was so high on the CBI (which we won) - our fan base sucks, our forums beat the shit out of players, our coach is bi-polar and will leave by the end of the 2018 or 19 season for greener pastures and if California players bust their asses to make it in Wyoming and are treated like shit by the coaches, how are we going to get more players from Cali to move to Wyoming? Oh your going to love the elevation, cows, horses and stadium that struggles to seat 2000 a game, sounds like a place where I would want my son to play bball. LPoke wants Kelly at the PG? What a joke. I like Kelly, he's tenacious, hearts in the right spot, but he's no D1 PG and would be crushed by Gonzaga, Kansas, Kentucky, Duke, NC, shit he can't even handle the MW. I wish Liemberman all the best, but I don't think Wyoming will break the top five in the MW next year and if we lose a few more seniors, we will SUCK next year. I was excited about a senior class with chemistry coming together next year and making a run, now, my prediction is coming true. Justin James, Hayden Dalton who else bolts for a better coach and program? not a good day in Poke Land.
I want Kelly as the back up point guard getting 5-8 min/game. We needed an upgrade in talent on the floor and eliminating Lieberman was a big step. Hopefully Redding can step in and be a big time improvement. Now if we can tether Gorski to the bench we'll be in good shape.

If Edwards were smart he would groom Adams and teach him how to be a point guard. I don't know if AE is much of a point guard whisperer though. Adams could be a devastating facilitator if he would just learn to pass when he's double and triple teamed.
NowherePoke said:
davidwyo said:
Seriously, I told you players were going to leave the program and the first one just left. Why would any great player stick around in Laramie at this point???? Oh because this board was so high on the CBI (which we won) - our fan base sucks, our forums beat the shit out of players, our coach is bi-polar and will leave by the end of the 2018 or 19 season for greener pastures and if California players bust their asses to make it in Wyoming and are treated like shit by the coaches, how are we going to get more players from Cali to move to Wyoming? Oh your going to love the elevation, cows, horses and stadium that struggles to seat 2000 a game, sounds like a place where I would want my son to play bball. LPoke wants Kelly at the PG? What a joke. I like Kelly, he's tenacious, hearts in the right spot, but he's no D1 PG and would be crushed by Gonzaga, Kansas, Kentucky, Duke, NC, shit he can't even handle the MW. I wish Liemberman all the best, but I don't think Wyoming will break the top five in the MW next year and if we lose a few more seniors, we will SUCK next year. I was excited about a senior class with chemistry coming together next year and making a run, now, my prediction is coming true. Justin James, Hayden Dalton who else bolts for a better coach and program? not a good day in Poke Land.

None of that makes any sense.
More periods instead of commas would've helped that by eliminating some run-on sentences.
davidwyo said:
Seriously, I told you players were going to leave the program and the first one just left. Why would any great player stick around in Laramie at this point???? Oh because this board was so high on the CBI (which we won) - our fan base sucks, our forums beat the shit out of players, our coach is bi-polar and will leave by the end of the 2018 or 19 season for greener pastures and if California players bust their asses to make it in Wyoming and are treated like shit by the coaches, how are we going to get more players from Cali to move to Wyoming? Oh your going to love the elevation, cows, horses and stadium that struggles to seat 2000 a game, sounds like a place where I would want my son to play bball. LPoke wants Kelly at the PG? What a joke. I like Kelly, he's tenacious, hearts in the right spot, but he's no D1 PG and would be crushed by Gonzaga, Kansas, Kentucky, Duke, NC, shit he can't even handle the MW. I wish Liemberman all the best, but I don't think Wyoming will break the top five in the MW next year and if we lose a few more seniors, we will SUCK next year. I was excited about a senior class with chemistry coming together next year and making a run, now, my prediction is coming true. Justin James, Hayden Dalton who else bolts for a better coach and program? not a good day in Poke Land.

*GASP* Oh no...our forums are being negative about players!!! Good thing that doesn't happen at every other school in the country... :rofl: :lol:
davidwyo said:
Seriously, I told you players were going to leave the program and the first one just left. Why would any great player stick around in Laramie at this point???? Oh because this board was so high on the CBI (which we won) - our fan base sucks, our forums beat the shit out of players, our coach is bi-polar and will leave by the end of the 2018 or 19 season for greener pastures and if California players bust their asses to make it in Wyoming and are treated like shit by the coaches, how are we going to get more players from Cali to move to Wyoming? Oh your going to love the elevation, cows, horses and stadium that struggles to seat 2000 a game, sounds like a place where I would want my son to play bball. LPoke wants Kelly at the PG? What a joke. I like Kelly, he's tenacious, hearts in the right spot, but he's no D1 PG and would be crushed by Gonzaga, Kansas, Kentucky, Duke, NC, shit he can't even handle the MW. I wish Liemberman all the best, but I don't think Wyoming will break the top five in the MW next year and if we lose a few more seniors, we will SUCK next year. I was excited about a senior class with chemistry coming together next year and making a run, now, my prediction is coming true. Justin James, Hayden Dalton who else bolts for a better coach and program? not a good day in Poke Land.

Thou doth protest too much.
Just when I was starting to "kinda" like him and his "abilities" his D and being a pesky defender I was starting to give him a bit more benefit of the doubt. Sigh....but I won't lose any sleep over it, LOL, GOOD LUCK Liebs!!! thanx for your time here at UW
About Gorski - He can be a great shooter, but poor defender. So what's the solution? He goes in when the opposition puts in their slowest player and Gorski guards him (when man-to-man defense is in order) and in the meantime drains a few 3's. Might not be the situation very often, but that could be his role.
davidwyo said:
Seriously, I told you players were going to leave the program and the first one just left. Why would any great player stick around in Laramie at this point???? Oh because this board was so high on the CBI (which we won) - our fan base sucks, our forums beat the shit out of players, our coach is bi-polar and will leave by the end of the 2018 or 19 season for greener pastures and if California players bust their asses to make it in Wyoming and are treated like shit by the coaches, how are we going to get more players from Cali to move to Wyoming? Oh your going to love the elevation, cows, horses and stadium that struggles to seat 2000 a game, sounds like a place where I would want my son to play bball. LPoke wants Kelly at the PG? What a joke. I like Kelly, he's tenacious, hearts in the right spot, but he's no D1 PG and would be crushed by Gonzaga, Kansas, Kentucky, Duke, NC, shit he can't even handle the MW. I wish Liemberman all the best, but I don't think Wyoming will break the top five in the MW next year and if we lose a few more seniors, we will SUCK next year. I was excited about a senior class with chemistry coming together next year and making a run, now, my prediction is coming true. Justin James, Hayden Dalton who else bolts for a better coach and program? not a good day in Poke Land.

Adv8RU12 said:
About Gorski - He can be a great shooter, but poor defender. So what's the solution? He goes in when the opposition puts in their slowest player and Gorski guards him (when man-to-man defense is in order) and in the meantime drains a few 3's. Might not be the situation very often, but that could be his role.

With Gorski is exactly what .44caliberkiller had posted. You play him when he's hot. When he's not he sits.
Wish Liebs the best of Luck in his future and appreciate his contribution to the team.

My guess is that the open scholarship is going to go to either Redding, Hunter Thopson or Kelley. Redding is a walk on also. So we have 3 players Edwards can give the scholarship to. Not saying anyone of them deserves it or doesn't deserve it but that is probably what will happen rather than Edwards bringing anyone else in. Or maybe he will surprise us and use it on someone else but I doubt it.
seattlecowboy said:
Wish Liebs the best of Luck in his future and appreciate his contribution to the team.

My guess is that the open scholarship is going to go to either Redding, Hunter Thopson or Kelley. Redding is a walk on also. So we have 3 players Edwards can give the scholarship to. Not saying anyone of them deserves it or doesn't deserve it but that is probably what will happen rather than Edwards bringing anyone else in. Or maybe he will surprise us and use it on someone else but I doubt it.
Thompson already got the scholarship from Lieberman.
This is probably a good decision by Lieberman if he wants playing time. Kelley is on Lieberman's level as a red-shirt freshman. Kelley's ability to guard stronger players, attack the rim a little bit, and shoot consistently puts him above Lieberman in my opinion. Redding will be available next year which only adds to the competition. His lack of size/strength and inability to attack the rim really hurt his ceiling as a player in the MWC. If he stayed, he could have ended up being a Morris Marshall end of the bench type, but not because of injuries.

I defended him last off-season then spent a lot of this year questioning his minutes. He proved himself to be a serviceable point guard later in the season and put it all on the floor every game. He represented UW well and I hope he finds a situation that fits what he is looking for.

Fun fact, this staff now has zero traditional point guards on scholarship.